Category: englishenglish

Грамматика. Практическое занятие №3


Практическое занятие №3.
Артикль. Местоимение


1. Заполните пропуски артиклями.
1. ___ first generation in ___ world where ___ life is reduced to ___
press of ___ button, or ___ click of ___ mouse, ___ children of today
live ___ life their parents only saw in ___ movies.
2. Born at the beginning of the 21st century, the children are ___
products of ___ society where ___ time is ___ money and ___
education is ___ life.
3. Many of ___ UK analysts are addressing today ___ moral issues of
___ war, others ask what could be done with ___ money wasted on ___
Afghanistan war.
4. January is traditionally ___ time to reflect on what came before and
what is soon to come in ___ future.
5. There is ___ rule saying that telling someone something ___ one time
is asking, ___ second time is ___ reminder, after ___ third time and
beyond it is just nagging.


1. Заполните пропуски артиклями.
6. ___ specialists, ___ bachelors and ___ masters that have already got
their ___ higher education diplomas could get ___ second higher
education: ___ second higher education should be provided with ___
tuition fee, determined on ___ contractual basis.
7. Nowadays in ___ circles of ___ youth there is ___ widespread notion
that ___ science has become ___ problem in ___ calculation, ___
calculation involving only ___ cool intellect and not ___ one’s heart and
8. In order to consider whether ___ psychology is ___ science, we must
first admit that ___ science is what separates ___ human beings from ___
9. ___ opposite of ___ love is not ___ hate, it’s ___ indifference.
10. ‘___ love that dare not speak its name’ is ___ phrase from ___ poem
by ___ Lord Alfred Douglas, published in 1894.


2. Переведите предложения,
обращая внимание на артикли.
Единственный ребенок обычно получает слишком много внимания
(attention) от взрослых.
Говорят, что если актер уронит (drop) листок с текстом, он не получит
главной роли в спектакле.
Вирус свиного гриппа (swine flu) — это тот же самый вирус, что и
вирус обычного сезонного гриппа.
В некоторых случаях проще оплатить штраф (fine), чем искать
подходящее (suitable) место для парковки.
Женщина иногда может влюбиться в неподходящего (wrong) человека
— но это редко приводит к счастливому браку.
Если есть хорошая бизнес-идея, бизнес с самого начала нужно
строить как систему.
Сегодня существуют два главных критерия при приеме кандидата на
работу: профессиональный опыт (experience) и психологический


3. Вставьте местоимения some, any
или их производные.
1. When I needed help, he didn’t ask ... questions.
2. Does ... actually have the luxury of doing exactly what he wants to do?
3. I know... about them.
4. What exactly he was going to do neither he nor ... else quite knew.
5. Is there ... you want to go, Robin?
6. I recalled, too, there had been ... talk between Tom Wells and me.
7. Did you see ... that would be of ... use to me?
8. Even in that sad weather there was ... restful about the green fields
that stretched to the horizon.
9. Have you got ... cheese?
10. I did not want to speak to ... I knew at Barford.
11. There’ll be ... coffee in a minute.
12. Don’t you remember ... about this afternoon?


4. Вставьте either, neither или both.
1. They ... laughed and Dan looked down at his desk.
2. We were ... in the room, but... of us spoke for some time.
3. Then, carrying a valise in ... hand, he stepped out
on the landing.
4. Hatton entered the room, and he looked at her and hesitated,
then took the open book in ... his hands
and came to her side.
5. He was led to a place at the head of one of the tables.
The boys on ... side of him stood up very politely
until he sat down.


4. Вставьте either, neither или both.
6. I guess we’re ... a little bit overtired.
7. He looked from Singer to Philip, but ... answered.
8. “Come with mе and I will give you one of my own
photographs,” said Eleanor. “Then you can have your
parents on ... side of your fireplace.”
9. Hatton took ... the plates in one hand, and Nevill’s hand in the
other, and led the way from the room.
10. She expected men to talk about football and racing, and
Philip knew nothing of ... .


5. Переведите.
1. «У вас губы синие от ягод», — сказал Ник.
«И у вас тоже», — сказала Алиса.
2. В те первые августовские дни у меня было мало дел на работе.
3. Это очень большой роман. Боюсь, что за два дня я его не прочитаю.
4. Он говорил ей о своей работе в больнице, а она рассказала
ему, что она делала в тот день в университете.
5. Мартин настаивал, чтобы мы встретились в тот вечер.
6. В тот день я болел и не был на занятиях.
7. Этот дом действительно в ужасном состоянии.
8. В тот вечер Джек никому не отвечал на вопросы.
9. Я сама увижу его завтра.
10. Я могу вам дать свою собственную фотографию.


5. Переведите.
11. Затем ей захотелось что-то сделать самой.
12. «Будет скандал», — пробормотал Джеймс
как будто самому себе.
13. Она себя не понимала.
14. Если он занят, я могу пойти на танцы одна.
15. Вернись, мальчик, и закрой дверь.
Двери сами не закрываются, не правда ли?
16. Он удивлялся самому себе.
17. Они предпочитали пить чай одни, а после чая
играли в шахматы.
18. В тот вечер она была сама доброта.
19. Он часто разговаривал сам с собой.
20. Кофе был готов. Она налила себе чашку и села за стол.


6. Выберите нужное местоимение.
1. There was (much, many) wood in the stream.
2. In the last twenty-four hours too (little, many) things had happened.
3. Philip had (few, little) friends.
4. There was (little, many) time to think.
5. Martin spent so (much, many) time in the hospital.
6. In the next (few, little) days Irene felt a change.
7. There were (few, little) people in the square,
and I did not notice the faces as I hurried past.
8. I noticed (little, few) emotion in his voice —
maybe he was past it, I thought.
9. He had very (little, many) money, barely sixteen hundred pounds.
10. It was a hot day and there were (many, much) flies in the room.
11. There were (much, many) big hotels that were closed
but most of the shops were open.
12. How (much, many) is the clock fast now?


7. Заполните пропуски артиклями.
Steve Jobs’s Speech at the Leland Stanford Junior University
(extract 1)
‘MY second story is about ___ love and ___ loss. I was lucky, I found
what I loved to do early in ___ life. Woz and I started Apple in my
parents’ garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in ___ 10 years
Apple had grown from just the two of us in ___ garage into a $2 billion
company with over 4,000 employees. We’d just released our finest
creation, the Macintosh, ___ year earlier, and I had just turned 30, and
then I got fired. How can you get fired from ___ company you started?
Well, as Apple grew, we hired someone who I thought was very talented,
to run ___ company with me. And for ___ first year or so, things went
well. But then our visions of ___ future began to diverge and eventually
we had ___ falling out. When we did, our board of ___ directors sided
with him. And so at 30, I was out — and very publicly out. What had
been ___ focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.


7. Заполните пропуски артиклями.
Steve Jobs’s Speech at the Leland Stanford Junior University
(extract 2)
I really didn’t know what to do for ___ few months. I felt that I had let
___ previous generation of ____ entrepreneurs down, that I had
dropped ____ baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David
Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I
was ____ very public failure, and I even thought about running away
from ___ valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me, I still loved
what I did. ____ turn of events at ____ Apple had not changed that one
bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in ___ love, and so I decided to
start over. I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from
Apple was ____ best thing that could have ever happened to me.
___ heaviness of being successful was replaced by ____ lightness of
being ___ beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to
enter one of ____ most creative periods of my life.


7. Заполните пропуски артиклями.
Steve Jobs’s Speech at the Leland Stanford Junior University
(extract 3)
During ___ next five years, I started ___ company named NeXT,
another company named Pixar, and fell in love with ___ amazing
woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create ___
world’s first computer animated feature film, ‘Toy Story,’ and is
now ___ most successful animation studio in ___ world.
In ___ remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and I
returned to Apple, and ___ technology we developed at NeXT is at
___ heart of Apple’s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have
___ wonderful family together. I’m pretty sure none of this would
have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple. It was ____
awful-tasting medicine, but I guess ___ patient needed it.


7. Заполните пропуски артиклями.
Steve Jobs’s Speech at the Leland Stanford Junior University
(extract 4)
Sometime life is going to hit you in ___ head with ___ brick, but
don’t lose ___ faith. I’m convinced that ___ only thing that kept
me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you
love, and that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your
work is going to fill ___ large part of your life, and ___ only way to
be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and ___
only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t
found it yet, keep looking and don’t settle. As with all matters of
___ heart, you’ll know when you find it. And like any great
relationship, it just gets better and better as ___ years roll on, so
keep looking — don’t settle.’
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