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ReferencesCrystal, D. - Davy, D. (1969) Investigating English Style. London: Longman.
Fowler, R. (1979) Language and Control. Routledge & K. Paul, London & Boston.
Fowler, R. (1986) Linguistic criticism. Oxford: Blackwell.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1989) Spoken and written language. Oxford: OUP.
Jeffries, L. - Dan McIntyre (2010) Stylistics. Cambridge: CUP. (Chapter 1 and 2)
Mathesius, W. (1942) Řeč a sloh. In Havránek and Mukařovsky (eds.), 11-102.
Miššíková, G. (2003) Linguistic Stylistics. Nitra: FF UKF. (Chapters 1 - 3)
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Urbanová, L. (2008) Stylistika anglického jazyka. Brno: Barrister & Principal.
Verdonk, P. (2002) Stylistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wales, K. (2001) A Dictionary of Stylistics. Pearson Education.
Widdowson, H. G. (2004) Text, Context, Pretext. Critical Issues in Discourse Analysis. Oxford UK &
Malden USA: Blackwell.