
02.09.24 1 lesson (3)


Welcome Back
To College!


Today we are going to talk about:
Back-to-College Survival
The SMART System
A Mysterious Guest From The Past…
Your Summer Vacation
Creative Tasks


It’s that time of year again! The autumn semester is about to begin, and campuses
are buzzing with the excited anticipation that a new academic year brings. Whether
you’re a first-time college student, returning student, transfer student, or a
student about to graduate — here are five proven steps you can take to set
yourself up for one of the best semesters ever.


Back-to-College Survival Guide
With college slowly back in season, we thought I would like to share some of
my top back-to-school tips to help you ease your way back in. Follow them,
and you’ll realize it’s like riding a bike!
1.Supplies: what’s better than a fresh notebook and new pens? Stock up
on new supplies (or reorganise your old ones) for that fresh back-toschool feeling.
2.Baby steps: don’t jump in head first, restart your routine with baby
steps. A week before the semester starts, set your alarm a few minutes
earlier each day. This way when class kicks off, you’ll be ahead of the
3.Even if your classes are digital: dress up! Working in your PJs is
(sadly) not conducive to productivity.
4.Make a vision board for the semester: jot down BIG goals first, then
get granular by month, week, and day. Research shows: when you write
down your goals, you’re 42% more likely to accomplish them!


Back-to-School Survival Guide
5. Station preparation: wipe the summer dust off your desk and clear it for a
productive autumn.
A clear study space is crucial! Alternatively,
you can transport yourself into your ideal environment (a buzzy cafe? A quiet
6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! We all forget stuff over the summer, so
don’t be shy to ask classmates or fellow students for help. Stay social!
Everything’s better with friends by your side, even if they’re virtual
7. Last but not least: find healthy ways to manage stress. Your mental health
is super important, and you’ll only achieve your academic goals if your brain
is happy. Try to sleep well, eat healthy, move enough, and take a breather
every now and then.


Set SMART Goals
The SMART system (Peter Drucker's Management) helps you create clear
and reachable goals
• Specific (simple and significant)
• Measurable (meaningful and motivating)
• Achievable (attainable)
• Relevant (reasonable, realistic, and results-based)
• Time bound
Make a list of specific, meaningful, and measurable goals for your semester that
you can
reasonably achieve within this limited timeframe. Make your goals relevant to
your long-term
career plans. Read your SMART goals every day to reinforce your commitment and
hold yourself
accountable for following through.
For example:
My goal is to achieve …
To make this happen, I will …and faithfully adhere to my schedule.
I will … I will fill with thorough and organized notes, and I will review these
materials before every


Take Advantage of School Resources
In addition to familiarizing yourself with the free information available to you
at the campus libraries, computer labs, be sure to attend any orientations your
college offers for new students.


Prioritize Your Health
• Developing self-care skills in college will
help sustain your health throughout your
academic years and in future.
• Nourish your body with healthy foods, even
if it means scheduling time on your
calendar for grocery shopping and cooking.


Prioritize Your Health
Carve out time for exercise. Not only
does it help you maintain a healthy
weight in college, exercise improves
memory and focus and relieves stress.
Schedule “down time” in which you read
scripture, meditate, take a gratitude walk,
or just sit in nature and reflect. This is
just as important as studying and helps you
stay balanced and centered so you don’t burn
out or lose perspective.


Prioritize Your Health
As tempting as it will be to skimp
on sleep, don’t do it. Young adults
need at least 8 hours of nightly
sleep for optimal functioning.


Creative Task 1
1. Write 3 words connected with your holiday. Try to use not very
common ones
2. Exchange your notebooks with your partner
3. Ask your partner whether he had a situation associating with
each word
4. Prepare your answers
5. Listen stories of each other


OMG! You have
received a
message from
pen-friend you
have almost
about!!! Thank
God we noticed
it. Here it is


How I spent my summer vacation
This summer, I had an amazing vacation filled with adventure and relaxation. I started my break by visiting my grandparents
in a small countryside village. The picturesque landscapes and fresh air were a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
I spent my mornings
exploring the fields
and forests, discovering various plants and
animals. My
grandparents taught me how to
garden, and we planted flowers and vegetables together, which was both fun and rewarding.
After a week in the countryside, I returned home and spent
some time with friends. We organized a few beach trips, where we enjoyed swimming, building sandcastles, and having picnics by the ocean.
One of the highlights was a bonfire night, where we roasted marshmallows and shared stories under the stars.
Halfway through the summer, I went on a family trip to the mountains. We hiked beautiful trails, and the views from the top were
breathtaking. We also visited a nearby lake where we went kayaking and had a great time fishing. The time spent in nature brought us
closer as a family and created unforgettable memories.
To wrap up my summer vacation, I took a short course on photography. I’ve always been passionate about capturing moments, and this
course helped me improve my skills. I spent hours experimenting with my camera, taking photos of landscapes, people, and candid moments.
Overall, my summer vacation was a perfect mix of family time, friendship, and personal growth. I returned to school recharged
and excited to share my experiences with my classmates.


Creative Task 2
• The willing person comes to the blackboard and writes a chain of words (preferably not making the answer obvious),
describing some case what happened in the summer. Situation can be real or imaginary.
• Other students look at the chain and try to make up a story.
• In 15 minutes we are ready to listen.
• Finally, the first person chooses the best option offered and tells his initial idea.


Task 3 (Speaking)
• You should think about your summer holidays and tell us what was the most important or cheering for you. I
would like you to share this moments with me and your college fellows. There is a helpful vocabulary at the
next slide.


Task 3 (Speaking)


Task 4.
You should
1. Fill in the windows
with cinema characters
2. Say what was the main
idea of a mentioned
You have about 20
minutes to prepare and
then we will listen to
your responds


Task 5.
Let’s review furniture titles, prepositions and colours. You are to describe rooms below:



Task 6.


Task 7. Mental health
• Your task is to look at the pictures and think what would you feel in situations mentioned.
• If an emotion is oppressive, you and your groupmates are to find out how it can be neutralized
• Start completing the task


How wouldyou feel if
t oday was your
How wouldyou feel if
you didnot underst and
t he lesson?
How would you feel If it was
thebeginningof school holidays?
How wouldyou feel if you
visit ed your grandma' s
How wouldyou feel if
you got lost in t he
How wouldyou feel if
you lost your mobile
How would you feel if
you could meet your
favourit e celebrit y?
How wouldyou feel if
you hadan argument
wit hyour friend?


How would you feel if
your pet got sick?
How would you feel if
you won t he fir st place
in a compet it ion?
How would you feel if
there was an
How would you feel if
you wer e list ening t o
your favour it e song?
How would you feel if
you could have cake for
your school lunch?
How would you feel if
you had t o exper ience
sky diving?
How would you feel if
t her e was no int er net
How would you feel if
there was a fire alarm?


I can not believe…I discovered one more letter…
• You should read it and translate
• Afterwards you are to make up a respond


Task 8.
Open PDF file with autumn basket list and absorb the content
“A list 1”
“A list 2”
The task is to create your own busket list


Task 10.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the menu from fairy tales
PDF “menyu_kak_v_skazke”


Task 11.
I am convinced that we should appreciate all good and precious we have. In order to make emphasize a valuable stuff we
have, I suggest you to fulfil The Gratitude List.
PDF “black_minimalist_five…”


Thank you for attention!
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