Paper Wasps are Talented Designers
How do the wasps build their nests?
Stage 1.
Stage 2
Stage 3
In a spherical cover there is an entrance so that the wasps could come in and go out
Category: englishenglish

Paper Wasps are Talented Designers

1. Paper Wasps are Talented Designers

Ревенков Егор
2013 г.


Can the insect with a very small brain
invent a paper and construct from it


4. How do the wasps build their nests?

5. Stage 1.

Paper wasps look for material for building nests all around the
countryside. They take it from old rotten trees and the stubs
which have become grey from bad weather.




9. Stage 2

When the wasps gather building material, they
take small parts of wood and move back to a
protected place

10. Stage 3

11. In a spherical cover there is an entrance so that the wasps could come in and go out



It is necessary to notice that paper
production by wasps is not dangerous
for environment .While human paper
industry is polluting the air, water and
land. It is no wonder that today
architects and designers study the
wasps` nests to create extra light and
strong and ecological building material.
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