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National symbols of the United Kingdom
National symbols of theUnited Kingdom
Предмет: Английский язык
Преподаватель: Колесникова
• The topic of the presentation is "State symbols of the UnitedKingdom". The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the United
Kingdom is a country with a rich history and living traditions, and its
State Symbols express the features of the country's historical path. The
history of this country is large and quite interesting. The purpose of the
presentation is to study the state symbols of the United Kingdom.
State symbols of the United Kingdom Definition of the essence ofthe concept of "state symbols"
Study of the oldest symbol of the independence of the people – the flag5.
Study of the Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain• Гимн- слово древнегреческое, происходящее от глагола «гимено» (петь,
прославлять). Но прославлять не в смысле «хвалить», а делать общеизвестным,
сохранять память.
Study of the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom• Study of the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
Study of the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom• Study of the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
• Study of the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom9.
• Wales has two national emblems – narcissus and leeks.10.
• Shamrock – symbol of Northern Ireland11.
The brightest and most popular "brand names" of the UnitedKingdom
• London
• Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London and the most importantreligious center of the country. Since William the Conqueror in 1066, all reigning
monarchs are crowned in this cathedral..
Tower bridge is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.16.
• Лондонский Тауэр – один из главных символов Великобритании,занимающий особое место в истории английской нации.
British cuisine18.
• Britain's Drink19.
• Thinking about the UK, many people think of football and theWimbildon tennis tournament..
• People who love riddles and mysteries will immediately say aboutStonehenge and the Loch Ness Monster
• In general, The UK is a real treasury of ancient artifacts, architectural masterpieces, ancient legends, wonderfuland wonderful traditions. It is not possible to list everything within the framework of the school conference. This
is a great country rich in historical events, cultural traditions, due to the intertwining into one whole for centuries
of completely different peoples who currently inhabit one state - the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland. Its fame is great all over the world and is due to the huge variety of all kinds of symbols that
connect this country and the interests of a variety of people from any corner of the earth.
• As a result of the study, we got an idea of the traditional state symbolsof Great Britain, their history and meaning. We analyzed the role of
symbols in the life of society and the reasons why some state symbols
are replaced by others. We learned why the state attaches great
importance to its symbols – the flag, the coat of arms and the anthem –
a kind of visiting card that represents it on the world stage. Another
aspect of the country's representation was also considered – popular
symbols and emblems of Great Britain, which are used not at official
events, but are distributed among the widest range of people in the
world. They make this country excitingly interesting, understandable
and attracting millions of tourists seeking to touch the past and present
of one of the greatest countries in the world.