Category: englishenglish

Drive. Ride. Go


1. Правильный вариант ответа высвечивается при работе с
презентацией в режиме «показ слайдов».
2. Подчеркнутые слова содержат перевод, который появляется при
наведении мыши на данное слово.


Ride -1) ехать на лошади, мотоцикле, велосипеде: ride a horse/ ride a
motorcycle/ ride a bike.
2) ехать в транспорте в качестве пассажира: She rides in front, beside the driver.
Drive - управлять транспортным средством: ехать на чем-то
Don’t go by bus! You’ll be late if we go by bus.


1. I can drive
you to the station if you want to.
2. Tom got on his bike and slowly rode down the street.
3. I only go to work in a bus from work I go on foot.
4. Don’t drive too fast: we may be fined.
5. The car was going at the speed of about 100 when its driver lost
control of it.
6. I don’t want to go by train.
7. The man jumped on his horse and rode off


8. The boy was riding his bike full speed.
9.He has gone to see his mother.
10. Do you mind if I ride in the back seat.
11. They’re going to rent a car and drive around the city.
12. If we get too tired to cycle, we will ride the bus.
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