Category: englishenglish

Effect. Affect


1. Правильный вариант ответа высвечивается при работе с презентацией в режиме «показ слайдов».
2. Полчеркнутые слова содержат перевод, который появляется при наведении мыши на данное слово.


Affect is a verb used for the
process of one thing causing
another thing to
This disease is affecting my
ability to breathe.
Effect is a noun, and it means the
end result of some change.
The medicine had an instant
effect on the pain.


1. His decision affected /effected the life of his family as well.
2. His affect/ effect on the life of his family was profound.
3. She affected / effected my behaviour strongly.
4. The conversation with him ended with no affect / effect
5. The harmful affect / effect of carbon dioxide to the environment
was being discussed at the conference.
6. To put new regulations into affect / effect is an urgent problem of
the government.
7. The invention of the atomic bomb affected / effected the life on
our planet.


8. My mother does not allow me to play with Nick because she thinks
he affects / effects me badly.
9. Thanks to our research we have received a desirable affect/ effect
10. Does television affect / effect children's behaviour?


1. Романова Л.И. «Английский язык. Лексика ы текстах».
2. 600+ confusing english words explained
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