
Pleonasm as an artistic device


Buketov Karaganda University
Pleonasm as an
artistic device
Undergraduate Student –Auelbek A.E.
Scientific adviser: Aubakir S.S
Karaganda - 2024


to fully reveal the concept of Pleonezam and
explain its use . The use of pleonasm as an
artistic tool and a frank expression of its types.
Identification of the reasons and features of the
functioning of pleonasms in human vocabulary.


The relevance
is determined by the need to consider pleonasms from
the point of view of the psycholinguistic theory of
meaning, as well as to identify the features of the
functioning of pleonasms in human vocabulary. At the
present stage of the development of language theory,
the study of the current state of language in society and
human vocabulary is important, which is carried out
through the study of the causes of the appearance of
pleonasms that affect the language norm and reflect
the social and individual impact on the functioning of


Objectives of the study:
consideration of the features of the functioning of pleonasms
as a phenomenon of language and speech;
determine the state of pleonasms in different types of
discourse and conduct lexicographic analysis;
consider a psycholinguistic approach to the use of pleonasm;
determination of experimental research methodology;
conduct an experimental study to identify the features of the
functioning of pleonasms in the individual lexicon and identify
the features of their functioning in the individual lexicon;
сorpus analysis and compare corpus data with experimental
data to determine the frequency of pleonasm use in the


The theoretical significance of the diploma
is determined by the development of the theory
of the meaning of the word, the theory of
proximatics, the development of a
psycholinguistic approach to the study of
linguistic phenomena. We analyzed the features
of the functioning of pleonasms in an individual
lexicon, which made it possible to highlight
functional supports; the classification of
pleonasms within the framework of a
psycholinguistic approach was proposed.


The term" pleonasm "(pleonasmos) is
translated from Greek as" excess"," excess".
And the meaning in a sentence implies the
use of close, unnecessary words in speech.


Types of Pleonasm
Syntactic Pleonasm:
this occurs when the grammatical language makes
specific functional words optional such as:
“I know you will come.”
“I know that you will come.”
Semantic Pleonasm:
Semantic pleonasm is related more to the style of
the language than the grammar, such as given
“I am eating a tuna fish“


Аrtistic text
A literary text (fictional description) is a part of textual descriptions in
role - playing materials. They do not have game and Game-mechanical
details. A literary text is often written from the point of view of an
ordinary person about literary fragments of certain sides of the world.
For example, using descriptive tools, the author conveys the mood of the
picture of the world. The imagination and feeling expressed in this way
cannot be seen, for example, in scientific articles and business


Рleonasm and its use for artistic purposes
The method of "step – by-step analysis"of a literary text
meets the requirements of the psychological study of artistic
The German philosopher N. Gartman, analyzing the work of Art "step by
step", shows in it a layer of language structure, a layer of character's
actions, a layer of characters and a layer of ideological content.
Polish aesthetician R. Ingarden also showed that a poetic work consists of a layer
of sound of a word, a layer of meaning that words give in the plural, a layer of
matter (a material being whose origin is indicated), a layer of "manifestations", a
layer of figurative thought and sensual – elutional manifestations in a literary text.
In" step analysis", a work of art is considered
as a multi-stage unified system.


types and structure of Pleonasms
This was the most unkindest cut of all
"All this I saw with my own eyes, and it was the most fearsome sight I ever witnessed
""These terrible things I have seen with my own eyes, and I have heard with my own ears, and
touched with my own hands
""The oil is very oily.
Honest truth.
"Dead corpse".
"Awful bad- .
"In the morning at nine in the morning"


features of the functioning of pleonasms in English and Kazakh
Thus, studying the specialized literature of the XX-XXI centuries on
the problem under study, we conclude that:
(1) the boundary between pleonasm and tautology is very fluid;
2) lack of accuracy and monumentality in the description of the
conceptual status of these types of benefits;
3) in some concepts, there is a constant and legal use of pleonasm;
4) the circumstances of neutralization of preference as a speech error
are analyzed.


Semantic classification of Pleonasms
The lexical and semantic
level is crucial for the
implementation of
pleonasms, because the
secondary expression of
meaning is the dominant
feature of redundancy.Let's
describe the pleonasm
taking into account its
semantic load.
1) pleonastic expressions
based on semi-synonymous
relations of components
include propositions
consisting in the
complete inclusion
of the semantics of
one component into
the semantics of


Pleonasm or pleonastic chain
"Pleonasm or pleonastic
phrase (Greek.
Pleonasmospreference, excessive)
are two words that, as
a result of overlapping
parallel use, have the
same meaning and have
This issue is somewhat
discussed in the works of I.
Kenesbayev, A.
Bolganbayev, K. Akhanov,
G. Azhibekova (in my
blog).It is much more
expressive to use synonyms
in pairs in a pleonastic way
than to use them individually
and alone.
For example, to say"
great land "is more
important than to say"
great land". In the
same way, the
meaning of" amazing
event "is more
important than"
amazing event".


Pleonasm is sufficiently rooted in modern Russian. Few people know what it is and how to deal with it.
After all, there are norms to follow them. Pleonasm in speech is multifunctional.
It is used in literature to indicate the individuality of a character or the intensity of an attribute. This is
the most justified use. As for everyday speech, it is often "fraught"with some errors that neither the
speaker nor the listener will notice.
Thus, new meanings of words are "born", their centuries-old signs disappear.
Speech filled with pleonasm indicates the indifference of the speaker, his ignorance, exposure to the
influence of the surrounding society.
Russian, there are concepts of speech insufficiency and speech redundancy. Speech failure occurs when
the meaning
of speech
if one or
word isItomitted,
it helped parents
in the field,
even ifisthe
has passed.
would beformore
correct to say: he
year old.
Speech redundancy is the re-transmission
a single
It can be in the form of pleonasms, which
often appear when combining unambiguous words, for example: long and long, bold and bold; and
tautology (from Greek.
Tauto is the same and the word logos), a combination or repetition of words that are identical or Close
in meaning, for example: true truth, completely and completely, is further destroyed.
Often there is a manifestation of unnecessary repetition. Especially often the name" tautology " is used
where the repetition of root words occurs.
The norm of the literary language is a socially approved rule," a rule that is objective with the practice
of specific speech, reflects the laws of the language system and is confirmed by the use of words by
authoritative writers, scientists, the educated part of society."


English     Русский Rules