Category: artart

Composite order (from Italian composito, from Latin compositus - composite, complex)





Composite order (from Italian composito,
from Latin compositus - composite, complex),
one of the main architectural orders.
Formed in ancient Roman architecture,
which adopted Greek architectural forms. It
is a slightly more complicated version of
Corinthian. To the usual Corinthian capital,
consisting of a bell with rows of acanthus
leaves, are added the Ionic echinus and
cushion with volutes, characteristic of the
Ionic order. The height of a composite
column is usually equal to ten times its
diameter at the base.


But if in Ancient Greece
the order played a
constructive role, then
in Rome it was often
used for decorative
purposes. The columns
did not bear the load of
multi-story structures,
and the supporting
functions were
performed by the wall.


J.B. Vignola. The rule of five orders of
architecture. 1562. Composite order
In the era of the Italian Renaissance,
Sebastiano Serlio in the book "General
Rules of Architecture" (ital. Regole
generali d'architettura) (1537), and then
Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola in the
treatise "The Rule of the Five Orders of
Architecture" (1562) included the
composite order among the five classical
ones: Doric, Tuscan, Ionic, Corinthian
and composite. In Vignola's treatise, the
composite order is identical in
proportions to the Corinthian, differing
only in the capital and entablature[4].
Andrea Palladio in his treatise "Four
Books on Architecture" (1570) showed an
entablature of a composite order with a
convex frieze.
A. Palladio. Four books about
architecture. 1570. Composite


The Romans began to complicate the
composite capital with outlandish
sculptural details with images of
griffins, centaurs, and hippocamps. If
the Corinthian capital resembles a
bouquet, or a basket with leaves, then
the composite one can be called a
combination of a botanical garden and
a bestiary (menagerie) in one basket.


In the era of Baroque and
Mannerism, the composite
order, along with the
Corinthian order, was
especially popular. During
the period of neoclassicism in
the second half of the 18th
century, the composite order
was rarely used as being too
pompous. However, during
the period of historicism and
the formation of neo-styles:
the second Empire style, neoBaroque and neoRenaissance, the composite
order again found itself in


Элементы декора Воскресенского собора бывшего
Новодевичьего Смольного монастыря в СанктПетербурге.
25 апреля 2012 года
Церковь Варвары на Варварке, в Москве.
Капитель портика южного фасада.
10 марта 2011 года



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I thank the audience for your kind attention.
kind attention.
completed: Nabiev Sh.Sh
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