Category: geographygeography

Clouds form


Министерство Образования и Науки Российской Федерации
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
Российский государственный гидрометеорологический университет
Выполнила: Качалова Полина
Студентка группы ПМ-Б22-2-3


Clouds are a suspended accumulation of condensation products of
water vapor in the atmosphere in the form of tiny water droplets, ice
crystals, or both, visible to the naked eye.
Сlouds are divided into classifications and groups.



Upper-tier clouds.
Cirrostratus Cs
Cirrus Ci
Cirrocumulus Cc


Clouds of the middle tier.
Altocumulus Ac
Altostratus As


Clouds of the lower tier.
Stratocumulus Sc
Stratus St
Nimbostratus Ns


Upper-tier clouds are a collective name for high-altitude clouds, which
include cirrus, cirrus-layered and cirrus-cumulus. In polar latitudes, they
usually occupy heights above three kilometers, in temperate latitudes above five, and in tropical latitudes - above six. They mainly consist of
ice crystals.
The clouds of the middle tier are clouds that are 2-7 kilometers away from
the earth. They are formed from water droplets, but at very low
temperatures they can include ice crystals. The clouds of the middle tier
include: altocumulus and altostratus.
The clouds of the lower tier are layered cumulus, layered and layered rain
clouds. They form at an altitude below 2 kilometers. These clouds are
made up of small homogeneous droplets. At sufficiently low negative
temperatures, solid elements appear in them.


Clouds are the result of condensation of
water vapor. They can be seen both from
the surface of the Earth and from space.
They differ in composition, height of
formation, size, shape and other
parameters. They play an important role
in the processes of redistribution of
moisture on Earth.


Clouds can be used to determine the
weather, the approach of rain, snow
and atmospheric phenomena.


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