Categories: literatureliterature englishenglish

The roly-poly Kolobok


R u s s i a n
f o l k
t a l e “ K o l o b o k ”
The Roly-Poly

2. Once upon a time there lived an Old Grandpa and an old Granny. One day the Old Grandpa said to the Old Granny:

- Bake a roly-poly
for me, my dear.
- What will I bake it
of? We have no flour!
– answered the Old
- O-oh, old woman!
Sweep the barn,
scrape at the bins
and you will have
some flour!

3. And the Old Granny swept the barn, scraped at the bins and scratched up two handfuls of flour. She made pastry of flour and

sour-cream, rolled a
roly-poly, roasted it in
butter and put it on the
windowsill to cool.

4. The Roly-Poly lay and lay on the windowsill, and suddenly started rolling – from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench –

to the floor,
across the floor – towards
the door, went hop-hop
across the threshold – to
the porch, from the porch
– to the yard, from the
yard – out of the gate and
what did it look like?

5. The Roly-Poly rolled and rolled along the path and soon it met a Hare: - Roly-Poly, Roly-Poly, I want to eat you! - Don’t eat

me, Hare. I will sing a song for you:
I’m a toasted Roly-Poly
In the barn I was swept,
At the bins I was scraped,
With sour-cream I was kneaded,
And in butter I was roasted,
On the sill was cooled down,
From the Grandpa ran away,
From the Granny ran away,
And to run away from you, Hare, is as easy as pie!

6. And the Roly-Poly vanished from the Hare’s sight. It rolled and rolled along the path and soon it met a Wolf: - Roly-Poly,

Roly-Poly, I want to eat you!
- Don’t eat me, Wolf. I will sing a song for you:
I’m a toasted Roly-Poly
In the barn I was swept,
At the bins I was scraped,
With sour-cream I was kneaded,
And in butter I was roasted,
On the sill was cooled down,
From the Grandpa ran away,
From the Granny ran away,
From the Hare ran away,
And to run away from you, Wolf, is as easy as pie!

7. And the Roly-Poly vanished from the Wolf’s sight. It rolled and rolled along the path and soon it met a Bear: - Roly-Poly,

Roly-Poly, I want to eat you!
- Don’t eat me, Bear. I will sing a song for you:
I’m a toasted Roly-Poly
In the barn I was swept,
At the bins I was scraped,
With sour-cream I was kneaded,
And in butter I was roasted,
On the sill was cooled down,
From the Grandpa ran away,
From the Granny ran away,
From the Hare ran away,
From the Wolf ran away,
And to run away from you, Bear, is as easy as pie!

8. And the Roly-Poly vanished from the Bear’s sight. It rolled and rolled along the path and soon it met a Fox: - Hello,

Roly-Poly, Roly-Poly, how nice you are!
And the Roly-Poly began to sing it’s song:
I’m a toasted Roly-Poly
In the barn I was swept,
At the bins I was scraped,
With sour-cream I was kneaded,
And in butter I was roasted,
On the sill was cooled down,
From the Grandpa ran away,
From the Granny ran away,
From the Hare ran away,
From the Wolf ran away,
From the Bear ran away,
And to run away from you, Fox, is as easy as pie!

9. As the Fox heard the song it said: - Oh! What a lovely song! But I grew old, you know, and I am hard of hearing. Dear

Roly-Poly, get on my nose and sing your song once more, a bit
The Roly-Poly got on the Fox’s nose and sang the song louder. But the Fox said:
- Such a nice song! I would hear it again and again! Dear Roly-Poly, will you get on
my tongue and sing your song once more.

10. The Roly-Poly hopped on the Fox’s nose and the Fox – yum! – swallowed down the Roly-Poly.



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