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Physical rehabilitation center "Formula motion"
Physical rehabilitation center"Formula motion"
Physical rehabilitation center"Formula motion"
began work in November 2012.
Combining years of experience and taking into
account advancements Rehabilitation Center
specialists developed and implemented effective
physical rehabilitation program in pediatrics,
recovery in disorders of the musculoskeletal
system (eg, posture correction and rehabilitation
in scoliosis, flat feet and other foot deformities,
recovery after fractures and operations on joints,
rehabilitation arthritis, arthrosis and other joint
The main mission of the physicalCentre rehabilitty
Improving the physical health of
children and adults;
Restoration of physical qualities
and skills after diseases and injuries;
Maximum adaptation and
learning self in everyday life;
Prevention of complications and
return to full human life.
Business profile:Defects posture, scoliosis, flat feet or other foot
dysfunction (eg. Clubfoot, diabetic foot).
Rehabilitation in Pediatrics (cerebral palsy, hip
dysplasia, hyper- and hipotonus children up to 3
years, acquired and congenital torticollis,
congenital defects, dyspraksiya);
The consequences of injuries and diseases of
the musculoskeletal system (after fractures, hip
and knee joints, arthroscopy, ligament and
tendon tears, arthritis);
Our institution provides theseservices
individual occupation
occupation group
AdviseConsultation physical rehabilitation / phys
establish rehabilitation diagnosis and rehabilitat
Consultation on the use of physical rehabilita
determine the need for orthopedic and rehabi
showing the correct implementation of recom
Individual occupatonindividual approach to
each client includes:
development of individual
physical rehabilitation
individual rehabilitation
sessions with specialists
of physical rehabilitation,
ongoing monitoring of
physical condition,
Occupation groupGroup classes in physical
rehabilitation include:
develop a program of
physical rehabilitation;
group rehabilitation
ongoing monitoring of
physical condition;
correction program of
MassageTherapeutic massage is one
of the effective means of
physical rehabilitation. In
combination with other
means of rehabilitation
massage helps to fully solve
most problems of
rehabilitation. In addition,
massage is a great way to
improve physical
development of children,
normalization of muscle
contact detailsmobile number. +380977626164
local number. 0412-24-38-76
Fax. 02434-61051
Address.Zhitomir. great Berdichevsky street 23\a