Category: culturologyculturology

Merry Christmas! Christmas Lunch


Merry Christmas!


Towards the middle
of December the
Christmas tree in the
house set.
Traditional colors
decorations - red,
green and gold. The
British do not like
pёstrotu and try to
sustain a certain
style in jewelry.
From England the
fashion hang on
prickly paw sweets
for children.
Christmas tree made
clean not earlier than
12 days after


Christmas Lunch
Today, the main dish is considered a turkey
Christmas dinner, although in the 19th century
its place was occupied by cheaper goose.
However, in the rest of Britain and are not
changing traditions


n (to be exact - stirring) should participate each family memb


Father Christmas, he is - Santa Claus
Few people know that Santa is not a national hero in .Velikobritanii
It replaces a similar grandfather, whose name is "Father
Christmas" Most of the pictures of past centuries depict a kind
grandfather dressed in a green suit - a symbol of the coming
spring. At first, he did not climb on the chimneys and handing out
gifts, and just walked from house to house and congratulated the
people. The red color appeared due to the campaign of Coca-Cola,
which in 1990, dressed him in red.


Carol singing is a
traditional part of
Christmas. In the
evening children come
to the door of a house
and sing for a person
who lives in this house.
Than he or she gives
children nuts and


The end..
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