Задай общие вопросы! Ask questions with Yes/No answers!
Задайте вопросы к подлежащему Ask questions to the subject.
Ask alternative questions! Задайте альтернативные вопросы!
Category: englishenglish

Tongue twister


Tongue twister:
Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Why, Willie? Why?


По цели высказывания:
Are you
Yes, I am. Take some


(Who? What? When...?)
К подлежащему
To the subject


Общие Вопросы
General Questions
Всп. глаг.
Auxiliary verb
Глаголы : to be (am/ is/ are);
to have (has);
Начинают вопрос сами!
I am happy.
Are you happy?
He has got a pet.
Has he got a pet?
They can speak English.
Can they speak English?
The Present Continuous Tense.
Всп. глаг. to be: am/is/are
Ron is pushing Ted.
The Present Simple Tense.
Всп. глаг. Do/Does
(Если видишь It, He, She, вместо Do
Does пиши!)
Is Ron pushing Ted?
Peter loves Mary.
Does Peter love Mary?
(Хитрый Does отнимет s!)

5. Задай общие вопросы! Ask questions with Yes/No answers!

1. Kate helps her mother.
1. Does Kate help her
2. The pupils want to
2. Do the pupils want to
3. The cat is on the chair.
4. Artists can draw.
5. The cat is chasing a
6. The boy has got a ruler.
7. They are in the
3. Is the cat on the chair?
4. Can artists draw?
5. Is the cat chasing a
6. Has the boy got a ruler?
7. Are they in the


Специальный вопросы
Special questions
Всп. глаг.
Auxiliary verb
Who? Кто?
Who….with? С кем?
Whose? Чей?
What ? Что? Какой?
What…with? Чем?
What colour? Какого цвета?
What kind of? Какого вида?
Where? Где? Куда?
Where….from? Откуда?
Why ? Почему?
When? Когда ?
How? Как?
How many?(исч.)
How much?(неисч.)
Who(m)? Кому? Кого?
1. a) The Present
Simple Tense:
1. b) Глаголы
to be: am/is are;
to have/ has;
2. The Present
Continuous Tense:
Peter loves Mary.
Who does Peter love?
I am happy.
Why are you happy?
He has got a pet.
What pet has he got?
They can speak
English well.
How can they speak
Ron is pushing Ted.
Who is Ron pushing?


Задай специальные вопросы! Ask wh ‒ questions!
1. The tiger runs fast.
2. They play football twice a
1. How does the tiger run?
2. How often do they play
3. What is the dog eating?
3. The dog is eating a bone.
4. Where is Martin?
4. Martin is in the garden.
5. How many sisters have I
5. I have got two sisters.
(How many sisters do I
6. They are writing an exercise.
6. What are they writing?
7. We can get there by bus.
7. How can we get there?


Вопросы к подлежащему
Questions to the Subject
Как повествовательное предложение, но вместо подлежащего
Who? Кто?
What? Что?
…. ?
1. a) The Present Simple Tense:
b) to be (am/is/are); to have (has); can:
2. The Present Continuous Tense:
Girls like chocolate.
Who likes chocolate?
(Кто любит шоколад?)
Birds can fly.
What can fly?
The children are at school.
Who is at school?
(Кто находится в школе?)
They have got a secret.
Who has got a secret?
I am speaking to the manager.
Who is speaking to the manager?
(Кто разговаривает с управляющим?)

9. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему Ask questions to the subject.

1. Melissa is wearing a blue
2. They come from Spain.
1. Who is wearing a blue
2. Who comes from Spain?
3. The train leaves at ten.
3. What leaves at ten?
4. We are busy at the moment.
4. Who is busy at the moment?
5. Fish can swim.
5. What can swim?
6. You have got brown eyes.
6. Who has got brown eyes?
7. The friends are going to the
7. Who is going to the theatre?


Wh ― questions
Questions to the Subject
1. a) They bully me.
1. a)Who bullies you?
Who do they bully?
b) Stacey has got a new bag.
b)Who has got a new bag?
What has Stacy got?
2. Mark is decorating the living room. 2. Who is decorating the living room?
What is Mark decorating?


Альтернативные вопросы
Alternative questions
(содержат выбор)
Всп. глаг.
Auxiliary verb
1. a) The Present
Simple Tense:
She studies English.
Does she study English or French?
b) to be
to have (has);
They are from
Russia. (the USA)
I have got a brother.
Are they from Russia or the USA?
Frogs can jump.
Can frogs jump or run?
2. The Present
Continuous Tense:
He is eating a cake.
Have I got a brother or a sister?
(Do I have a brother or a sister?)
Is he eating a cake or a snake?

12. Ask alternative questions! Задайте альтернативные вопросы!

1. Вы живете в городе или в
2. Они сейчас ищут полезную
информацию в интернете
или играют?
1. Do you live in the city or in the
2. Are they searching for useful
information on the Net or
3. Он делает домашнюю работу
днем или ночью?
3. Does he do his homework during
the day or at night?
4. Они друзья или враги?
4. Are they friends or enemies?
5. Умеет она готовить или
стелить постель?
6. У него машина или
7. Он ездит слишком быстро
или он летает слишком
5. Can she cook or make a bed?
6. Has he got a car or a helicopter?
7. Does he drive too fast or fly too


Disjunctive questions/ tag questions
Разделительные вопросы/ «хвостики»
Повествовательное предложение, отделенное запятой от вопросительного «хвостика».
«хвостик» – это вспомогательный глагол, заданного предложением времени, с
противоположным знаком и подлежащее, выраженное местоимением!
Children like toys.
Children like toys, don’t they?
Girls are beautiful.
Girls are beautiful, aren’t they?
It is not raining now.
It is not raining, is it?


Pay attention!
Обрати внимание!
I am in time, aren’t I?
I’m not late, am I?
Let’s ask for help, shall we?
Do as you are told, will/ won’t you?
Nobody likes to be punished, do they?
We are going to the shop which is in the city centre, aren’t we?


Fill in the correct question tag.
Допишите «хвостик» в каждом вопросе.
1. The weather is fine today, isn’t it?
2. Be good children, will/ won’t you?
3. The birds are singing, aren’t they?
4. Birds sing beautifully, don’t they?
5. The book isn’t in your bag, is it?
6. Let’s check your exercise, shall we?
7. You cannot make this invitation, can you?
8. Everybody is ready, aren’t they?
9. This blouse fits you, doesn’t it?
10.No people are looking at me, are they?


What type of questions are they?
Какого типа эти вопросы?
1. Can you tell me how to get to Bound Street?
2. In spring and autumn, the weather is mild
and pleasant, isn’t it?
3. When does the island come to life?
4. Do we need butter or oil?
5. Who has got everything?
6. Is the sun becoming dangerous?
7. Why are there less fish in rivers?
8. Who is recycling?
9. Is Cornwall in the south east or south west of
10.What equipment do you need?
1. General
2. Disjunctive
3. Special
4. Alternative
5. To the subject
6. General
7. Special
8. To the subject
9. Alternative


Ask 5 questions to every sentence:
1). Satellites send reliable information daily. (unreliable)
Do satellites send reliable information daily?
What do satellites send daily?
What sends reliable information daily?
Do satellites send reliable or unreliable information?
Satellites send reliable information daily, don’t they?
2). In summer prices are at the highest point. (autumn)
Are prices at the highest point in summer?
When are prices at the highest point?
What is at the highest point in summer?
Are prices at the highest point in summer or in autumn?
In summer prices are at the highest point, aren’t they?
3). The ice on the Earth’s poles is melting. (equator)
Is the ice on the Earth’s poles melting?
Where is the ice melting?
What is melting?
Is the ice melting on the earth’s poles or equator ?
The ice on the Earth’s poles is melting, isn’t it?
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