
Overview. Course Introduction and Overview


Astana IT University
Department of General Education Disciplines
Course name: Academic Writing
Week 1 Overview
Lecture 1 Course Introduction and Overview
Lecture 2 Introduction to the Conference Submission Guideline
Seminar 1 Research Paper Topic Selection, Brainstorming in Groups
Seminar 2 Developing SMART Goals and
Individual Plans
Seminar 3 Language Focus: Academic Language and Tone (Part 1)


Warm-up activity
What is an effective highperformance team?


What are some of the most common challenges
problems you’ve had working in teams? Please reflect
for a moment. Can you continue the list with at least 3
• members who don’t show up for meetings or who don’t show up prepared
members who dominate the conversation
members who don’t participate in the conversation
time wasted by off-task talk



A common way to promote more constructive and productive teamwork is to have the
teams create a set of guidelines for the group, sometimes called group norms.
Take a minute and list some things (attitudes, behaviors, and so on) that you have found
or think that would help a group be more effective. Then compare your list with your small
group members.
Work in your group and add at least 3 more to the list of Group Norms:
1. EVERY member is responsible for the team’s progress and success.
2. Attend all team meetings and be on time.
3. Come prepared.
4. Carry out assignments on schedule.
5. Listen to and show respect for the contributions of other members; be an active


What are some of the most common challenges
problems you’ve had working in teams? Please reflect
for a moment. Can you continue the list?
• members who don’t show up for meetings or who don’t show up prepared
members who dominate the conversation
members who don’t participate in the conversation
• time wasted by off-task talk
• ...


Seminar 2 Objective: writing the project goals
utilizing specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, time bound method


Seminar 2 Outline:


Examples of SMART goals
SMART goal task
Individual Plan and Team Journal


Examples of SMART goals
Now study the examples of SMART goals
submitted to the video project
• The table with the examples of SMART
goals by sections (See file SMART_Eg ).
Time limit -5-7 minutes


SMART goal task
Discuss your project SMART goals in your small groups and fill in the
spaces with the information about your project (See
Please, download them before you start writing. You might also need
the course Syllabus to complete this task.
• Time limit: 10 minutes


SMART Goal task
• Groups can present their goals during this session and receive
NOTE: while working on your project you can modify and update your
goals as we will review them at week 6.
Time limit: 5 minutes


Individual Plan and Team Journal
• Individual Plan is document where you can distribute the load among
your team-mates and set the deadlines. (See template Individual
Plan) Please, download before you insert your information. You will
also need to change the information for your own.
• Team Journal is a record of your meetings with your teammates about the project. The format you can decide on your own or
find in the Internet.


You are not going to be assessed on SMART Goals, Individual Pl
ans and Team Journals but they are aimed at better organizing
and timely submitting your weekly assignments and projects.


• Lawlor, K. B., & Hornyak, M. J. (2012). Smart Goals: How the Application
of Smart Goals Can Contribute to Achievement of Student Learning
Outcomes. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential
Learning, 39, 259-260.
• www.englishforacademicstudy.com


Thank You
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