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Population of the USA
P opulation of the US AThe United S tates is a diverse country with a population of approximately
331 million people. It is a melting pot of cultures, ethnicities, and
backgrounds, contributing to the dynamic and vibrant fabric of American
by Давид Жихарев
Territory of the USADiverse Landscapes
Urban Developments
The territory of the US A spans a wide range of
The country also features extensive urban
landscapes, including majestic mountains,
areas, bustling cities, and modern
expansive plains, and picturesque coastlines,
infrastructure, showcasing a blend of natural
offering a rich tapestry of natural wonders.
and human-made environments.
Climate of the US ADiverse Climates
Extreme Weather
The US A experiences a wide variety of
It is also prone to extreme weather events
climates, from the tropical climate in Hawaii to
such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards,
the Arctic conditions in Alaska, offering an
adding a dynamic and challenging aspect to
array of weather patterns and seasonal
the country's climate.
Rivers and lakes in the USA1
Iconic Rivers
Breathtaking Lakes
The US A is home to iconic rivers such
It is also adorned with breathtaking
as the Mississippi, Colorado, and
lakes like the Great Lakes, Crater Lake,
Hudson, offering scenic beauty and
and Lake Tahoe, providing opportunities
diverse ecosystems.
for aquatic recreation and natural
Capital of the US ACity
Washington, D.C.
Approx. 705,000
S ignificance
Political and cultural center
President of the US AExecutive Leader
Political Influence
Constitutional Role
The President of the USA is
They hold significant political
The President's powers and
the head of state and
influence and hold the
responsibilities are outlined
government, responsible for
highest elected office in the
in the U.S. Constitution,
leading the nation,
country's governmental
shaping their role as the
implementing policies, and
chief executive.
representing the country on
the global stage.