Category: musicmusic

Music and film


Music and Film
Soundtrack of My Life
Grade 9


Lesson objectives
• enlarge vocabulary related to
• identify relevant features at
word, sentence and text level in
a recording about types of Jazz
• practise oral communication
skills by explaining and justifying
your viewpoints on the topic


Mini project:
Soundtrack of My Life
Part 1. PPT Presentation
Part 2. Speaking part of Project
Part 3: Present


Part 1. PPT Presentation
The content of your project should include the following information:
7 major events in your life (at least 7 main events)
7 songs to accompany each event (reflecting on the events)
Speech explaining soundtracks of your life (using a wide range of vocabulary and
A CD cover illustrating the album (the first slide)
Back cover art/song list (the last slide)
At least 9 slides
The design of your project should include:
Photos from your personal life
No long texts and full lyrics of songs. You may use extracts of lyrics
CD covers (the first and last slides) should be created by you


Part 2. Speaking part of Project
o Prepare the speech that explains why you chose the particular
o For each song, reflect on the experiences, people, places, and
events that inspired this selection.
o Use the questions below to help your project. You do not need to
answer each and every question as long as you have sufficiently
explained the topic of each section.


Part 2. Speaking part of Project
Explanation of yourself
Here is basically a brief autobiography:
Who are you?
Where are you from?
Where are you now?
something special about you (your identity).


Part 2. Speaking part of Project
Explanation of this soundtrack
You should outline your purpose in creating this soundtrack:
What is this album you have created?
Why are you completing it? (because it is an assignment is
NOT an answer!)
What do you hope to get out of this project?
What do you see yourself doing with this later in life?
Who might your share it with?
What goals did you have for creating it? (because it is an
assignment is NOT an answer!)


Part 2. Speaking part of Project
Explanation of each song on the soundtrack
This section is made up of slides. Song by song be sure to explain:
What is the name of the song and the artist?
Why is each song important to you?
How does each song connect to your life?
What does each song reveal about the kind of person you
are and what you think is important in your life?


Part 2. Speaking part of Project
Q&A time
ask meaningful questions to a speaker
give elaborative answers to questions of listeners
Final remarks and reflection on the soundtrack as a whole
thank your listener for taking the time to listen to your soundtrack
give constructive feedback to each-others’ project


Part 3: Present
o Be prepared to speak at least 4-6 minutes. As we
o Listen to the presentations attentively
o Respect speaker’s work
o Remember that this is a personal assignment to share
yourself, better understand your peers.
o Read the criteria attentively and follow them.


Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria
A learner
• uses grammatically correct sentences (no mistakes) or self-corrects
his/her own errors
• uses a wide range of topical vocabulary and adjectives (at least 15
• pronounces all the words and phrases correctly
Total marks


AVOID using and making
1. Vocabulary
less than 15 new topic-related words
any repetitive words or phrases
basic vocabulary
wrong choice of words
2. Grammar
simple structured sentences
a minor mishap
3. Pronunciation
4. Speech
hesitations (pauses)
reading from slides


Mini project:
Soundtrack of My Life
Music motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us. You might think of it as the
backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of people, places,
and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at
a given time or place.
Part I: Brainstorm
Think about your life up until now. What major events have changed you, shaped you,
influenced you, shook you? Are there times that were wildly happy or incredibly
sad? What moments have made you shift in how you see the world? They may be huge
like the death of a loved one or your first day of high school or they might have seemed
insignificant at the time like meeting your best friend or starting to play a sport.
Create a list of events that made a difference in your life.
Events 1-7
Now brainstorm songs that might fit these events (Remember to use school-appropriate
Songs 1-7


Mini project: Soundtrack of My Life
Part II: Produce It
Just like a music producer, try to create the sequence of
your chosen songs. For example, your songs might be
listed in the chronological order of the events they
document, or they might be mixed together so that all of
the slow songs are not back-to-back. DO NOT just list them
randomly. Put some thought into the order of your songs
and the complete package you are presenting.
Tracks 1-7
• Song Title _________________________________
• Artist or Group: _______________________


Mini project:
Soundtrack of My Life
Part III: Speech
• Read the descriptors very closely before preparing your
speech, follow the requirements given there. Pay attention to
the scores of each criterion. NO reading! Have a fluent
speech. Any hesitations in your speech may spoil your final
score. Try to keep the time limit. You have 4-6 minutes for
your speech. Be ready to give elaborated answers to your
classmates’ questions.


Mini project:
Soundtrack of My Life
Part VI: Design
• Be creative. Slides shouldn’t have long texts and full lyrics of songs.
You may use extracts of lyrics. Photos should be taken from your
personal life connected to the chosen event and accompanied by the
song. CD covers (the first and last slides) should be created by you.
Overall, at least 9 slides.
It’s just not only about Music it’s about your LIFE.


Music genres
• Work in small groups of 3
• Make a list of known music
• You have 30 seconds to read
each group’s list
• Add some music genres which
have not been mentioned
• Rotate a piece of paper unless
you get your own work


• Do you often listen to
music? Why/Why not?
• What kind of music do you
listen to? Why?
• What kind of mood does
this music put you in?


0 The words of a song. lyrics
Vocabulary 1
Task 1. Look at the album reviews and find
synonyms from the words in bold for the
following. There is an example at the beginning.
1 A regular sound in a piece of music. _________________
2 Directed a piece of music. _________________
3 A collection of songs, often by different singers and groups, on one
album. _________________
4 The parts of a piece of music which are sung. _________________
5 Something which you cannot easily forget. _________________
6 Person who sings professionally, plays an instrument, writes songs,
paints, etc. _________________
7 Part of an orchestra
8 Extremely loud. _________________
9 Somebody who
10 Very active. _________________
11 An album recorded with an audience present. _________________
12 A great or famous piece of music. _________________
13 Commercially successful songs. _________________
14 Showing emotions of love. _________________
15 A musician who plays an instrument on their own, usually as part of a
performance supported by a band or orchestra. _________________
16. To make music on a musical instrument. _________________
17 Soft and rich. _________________
18 Person who writes music. _________________
19. Modern. _________________


Vocabulary 1
0 lyrics
1 beat
11 live
2 conducted
12 classic
3 compilation
13 hits
4 vocals
14 sentimental
5 memorable
15 soloist
6 artist
16 play
7 string section
17 mellow
8 deafening
18 composer
9 singer-songwriter
19 contemporary
10 lively


Vocabulary 1
Task 2. Which of the
albums are examples of:
1 reggae - __d__
2 jazz - ____
3 heavy metal - ____
4 opera - ____
5 pop - ____
6 dance - ____
7 easy listening - ____
8 classical music - ____


Vocabulary 1
Task 2. Which of the
albums are examples of:
1 reggae - __d__
2 jazz - __e__
3 heavy metal - __c__
4 opera - __b__
5 pop - __h__
6 dance - __f__
7 easy listening - __g__
8 classical music - __a__


Vocabulary 2
• Music genres
There are many different styles of music around the world. These are some of the mainstream
genres but do add others to your own music vocabulary list if there are particular styles you
like that aren’t included here.
• Read the definitions and complete the sentences using the words from the box.


Vocabulary 2
1. jazz
10. blues
2. traditional music
11 background music
3. genre
12. heavy metal
4. rap
13. reggae
5. pop
14. opera
6. classical music
15. country music
7. musicals
16. folk
8. rock music
17. instrumental music
9. easy listening


Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN
2. African dance
3. publisher and musician
4. 20th century
5. (one) musical arrangement
6. singer
7. Big Band
8.brass and string
9. ten or more
10. melodies
11. old and new


What is Jazz?
What are the main features of
some of the main types of jazz


That's it for today!
But before we go...
REFLECT on what you learned about MUSIC GENRES and how you might apply
what you've learned today for the future.
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