Category: englishenglish

How Apache Helicopters Work


Group: IU 1-62
Student: Sokolova A.S.
Teacher: Kharitonova A.V.

2. Plan

Flight systems;
Weapon systems;
Control systems;
Sensor systems;
Armor systems.


The Apache helicopter is a flying tank designed to survive
heavy attack and inflict massive damage.

4. The rotor assembly on an AH-64A Apache

The Apache's blades
and wings detach for
easier transport.

5. An Apache fires two Hellfire missiles in a training exercise. Each rail set holds four Hellfire missiles.

6. The Hydra rocket launcher (right) and Hellfire missile rails (left) on an AH-64A Apache helicopter

7. The Apache has two cockpit sections: The pilot sits in the rear and the gunner sits in the front. The rear section is raised above the front section so the pilot can see clearly.

Inside the Apache
Longbow cockpit
The Apache has two
cockpit sections: The
pilot sits in the rear and
the gunner sits in the
front. The rear section is
raised above the front
section so the pilot can
see clearly.

8. The Apache Longbow has a distinctive radar dome mounted to its mast.

9. The sensor array on an Apache helicopter

The helmet targeting
system in an Apache

10. The systems that protect the pilot and gunner during battle.

11. Thank you for attention!

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