Christmas in the Philippines
Christmas in the PhilippinesWork completed: Назарова Ксения
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Group: Д203А
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TraditionsAt the beginning of December, Filipinos
begin to decorate palm trees and other trees
in their homes and on the street
At Christmas (Catholic and Orthodox) it is
customary to visit older relatives, and
housewives try to prepare a rich festive
table - it is believed that this will bring good
luck and prosperity in the coming year.
After dinner, it is customaryto go to visit friends and
neighbors, set off fireworks,
and young people go to hang
out in bars and discos
From December 20 to 25,it is worth going to the city
of Laodag - there is a
bright procession there
these days: the symbol of
the Star of Bethlehem is
carried through the streets,
which is accompanied by
thousands of multi-colored
light bulbs.
During these three weeks,
all cities host many music
festivals, fairs, parties,
beach discos and other fun.
The noisiest festivities are
traditionally expected in
New Year's superstitions in the Philippines What should notbe on the table and how to prepare for a successful year
No chicken and fish
Chicken and fish are representatives of
the fauna that have to find their own
food. Filipinos associate these animals
and their lifestyle with hardship and
hunger. Therefore, at the festive feast of
the Filipinos you will not find fish or
chicken dishes.
Round fruit at midnightEating grapes and other small,
perfectly round fruits on New
Year’s Day is a native Spanish
tradition. According to one
version, 12 berries are required
to successfully celebrate the
holiday, according to another 12 different fruits. They
definitely need to be eaten. The
round fruits represent prosperity,
12 months. To celebrate the
New Year, Filipinos fill their
pockets with round coins.