City districts:
The city has a distinct specialty in coal mining:
Also in the city there are other types of production:
The prospect of tourism development
Category: englishenglish


1. Kiselyovsk


Kiselyovsk is a town in Kemerovo
Oblast, Russia.
Located in the foothill belt of the Salair
Ridge, at the source of the Aba River
193 kilometers south of Kemerovo.

3. Population:

94,564 (2014 Сensus).
98,365 (2010 Census);
106,341 (2002 Census);
128,083 (1989 Census).
* In terms of population on January 1, 2014
it is on the site of the 181 cities of the
Russian Federation in 1100

4. City districts:

“Krasniy Kamen”- the most populous
area of the city;
- “Afonino”-the oldest part of the city;
- “Center”;
- “Zelenaya Kazanka”;
- “Cherkasov Kamen- I live in this area”;
- “Karagailinskiy”.

5. History

Immigrants from central Russia
established the first settlement on the
territory of modern Kiselevsk in 1770. The
settlements were named by their names.


Engineer Captain H. Sokolowski
investigated chemical and metallurgical
properties of the coal in 1836.
Then he wrote an article in the "Mining
Journal" about the possibility of its use in
the ironworks.


The first 752 pounds of coal issued from
an open coal mine in 1917.
This year is considered the year of birth
Kiselevsk mine!
The first mine (1932):
“Naklonnaya” and “Capitalnaya”


Working village Kiselevskiy renamed the
city Kiselevsk in 1936.

9. The city has a distinct specialty in coal mining:

OAO Mine ”Kiselevskaya”;
“Mine №12”.
Сoal mines:
-” KRU”
Processing plants.


There are two machine-building plant,
which specializes in mining and silo

11. Also in the city there are other types of production:

confectionery manufacture;
sausage manufacture;
furniture manufacture;
dairy manufacture.

12. The prospect of tourism development

In my town there is the Committee on Sport
and Youth Policy, which implementing
projects in the sphere of physical culture,
sports, tourism.
The main tasks:
Organization of the official health and fitness and
sports activities, activities in the field of youth policy
in the territory urban district of Kiselevsk;
Ensuring efficient use of sports facilities and
construction of new sports facilities;


The development of sport, the system of sports schools
and training of reserve teams in the city, region, Russian
Implementation of the International sports contacts;
The development of patriotism and citizenship of
adolescents and youth, spiritual, moral and patriotic
education of the younger generation.
Support for social initiatives for children and youth
public organizations and movements.
Assist in the establishment and operation of public and
other youth and children's organizations involved in the
implementation of community service youth initiatives.
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