
Research apparatus. Academic dishonesty


Prevention of an academic dishonesty among the university students: predicts and
Превенция академической нечестности среди студентов ВУЗов: предикторы и
ЖОО студентерінің арасындағы академиялық адалсыздықты алдын алу:
предикторлары мен факторлары.


Relevance of research
Academic dishonesty refers to committing or contributing to dishonest acts by those engaged in
teaching, learning, research, and related academic activities, and it applies not just to students, but
to everyone in the academic environment.
University students from all over the world apply to plagiarism in writing essays or projects.
They cheat on exams, turn to the help of other students or to the services of other people to
perform tasks that require independent decision.
That kind of behavior in the educational process distorts the evaluation system of knowledge, and
also reduces the incentives of students for academic integrity.
Academic dishonesty also reduces the expected economic returns on public and private
investment in higher education, erodes the credibility and public trust of national higher education
Academic dishonesty is a widespread phenomenon that can be detrimental to the country’s
intellectual progress. Students who cheat and plagiarize lose the learning opportunities.


Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to examine the factors affecting
academic dishonesty behavior and attitudes of university students in
Kazakhstan towards academic integrity.
The study aims to determine how often students engage in academic
The aim of the study is to research the main predicts of such
behavior as academic dishonesty.
The next purpose is to develop a ways to resolve and prevent the
mechanism of a problem that leads to academic dishonesty.


Object of study
The object of study is university students in Kazakhstan.


Subject of study
The thesis is aimed at bridging the gap between the premises on the
basis of which ethical codes are developed, aimed at the formation
of values of students, and the perception of students of dishonest
practices at the university, through the development of theoretical
and methodological approach, based on the student’s assessment of
the fairness of different educational situations at the university and
dishonest behavior in their context.


Scientific research hypothesis
The research of methods of combating dishonest behavior, which can be useful both for
teachers who want to prevent students from having the desire for dishonest behavior, and for
researchers of academic dishonesty.
These methods include: conducting one-on-one consultations to establish trustful connection
with students, conducting classes where students themselves will act as teachers or represent
their projects, creating unique tasks for students. It will increase not only their skills and
knowledge, but also their curiosity and pursuit of the academic integrity.
Universities should engage both teachers and students to create codes of honour. Students
and teachers should also have the opportunity to comment on, supplement or amend the
provisions of an already adopted document. Moreover, if students will be required to sign codes
and compliance of this rules will be monitored, for example, by a student organization or an
ethics board with student representatives as its member, this will increase the student’s sense of
responsibility for their behavior towards the students and university communities.


Research objectives
1. To identify the frequency of academic misconduct among university
students in Kazakhstan;
To determine the influence of factors that facilitate academic
dishonesty behavior.
To determine the influence of predicts that facilitate academic
dishonesty behavior such as environment of origin, social status, gender,
age, GPA, etc.
To research the ways of prevention the academic dishonesty by
analyzing the predicts and factors that facilitate academic dishonesty.


Leading idea of research
The leading idea of the research is how the problem of academic
dishonesty is relevant in Kazakhstan among university students.
Нow well this issue has been studied in depth. How effective are the
preventive measures are developed by the particular organization of
education. Whether there are more effective methods of solving this


Methodological and theoretical bases of research
Most scholars investigating academic integrity employ
questionnaires or surveys to further conduct multivariate analysis.
Thus, the selection of a quantitative methodology for this study is


Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of research
There are few studies of academic dishonesty in Kazakhstan, most of them are speculations
about causes and possible measures to combat it without using empirical data to test
Existing studies of academic dishonesty factors also have a number of methodological
limitations. First of all, most of the studies focus on the individual characteristics of students
without controlling the characteristics of the educational environment. This may result in a reevaluation of the contribution of individual level factors.
Also, they are mainly based on small samples of students from one or two universities,
which reduces the external validity of the results and does not allow to evaluate the effect of
contextual factors.
Thus, it is important to understand the scale of academic dishonesty, whether students in
Kazakhstan universities are becoming less honest in the learning process, and what factors
contribute to the spread of academic dishonesty.
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