Category: englishenglish

Unusual schools of the world


Unusual schools
of the world
By Bredis Yuliana


When we talk about school, some people imagine
a building with grey walls and boring lessons. But
are all schools like this? I want to show you some
unusual schools from all over the world.


Green school in Paris


Green school in Paris
A new elementary school opened in 2014, in Paris. The
school building has an unusual architecture, and the roofs
are covered with a green grass carpet and other vegetation.
There is a huge garden on the roof of the building.


Green school in Paris
The outer wall of the building is made of concrete blocks to
give more freedom to living organisms (birds, plants, etc.)
and allow them to settle there. This project is very important
because it teaches children to love and protect the


Underground Terraset school


Underground Terraset school
During the energy crisis in the United States, energy savings
were introduced in the country and included school heating too.
Therefore, in the middle of 1970, an underground Terraset
school was built in Reston. Because of the ground, the building
was kept warm.


The school of the future


The school of the future
In the Finnish city of Espoo was opened a school, called the
"school of the future". The teaching methods here are very
unusual. Students can talk in class, ride a chair, jump, run,
shout, interrupt teachers and defend their opinions. They can
also perform on a stage in the middle of the dining room.


The school of the future
The school includes primary and secondary schools, a
preschool, a theatre hall, a dining room, a library, a sports hall
and much more.


Anglo Colombiano


Anglo Colombiano
Anglo Colombiano is a school for students from 5 to 12 years
old. The main feature of the school is the combination of
lessons with games. Children really like this system and they
are very happy to pay a lot of attention to education.


Anglo Colombiano
During the break, they play different games or enjoy reading
books in comfortable armchairs. Some niches in the walls
accommodate pillows that children can take out to play or sit
on them. Sets of hanging trees serve as drawing boards.


Institut Le Rosey


Institut Le Rosey
Institut Le Rosey is a private boarding school. It opened in
1880. For some time, only boys could study at this school, but
since 1967 girls can also be among the students. For the
education of your child in such school, you would have to pay
about 97,000 euros.


Institut Le Rosey
About 400 students (ages eight to eighteen) are studying at Le
Rosey. In the warm months students live in the Château du
Rosey, located on the shores of Lake Geneva, and in winter - in
the ski resort of Gstaad


Nomadic schools


Nomadic schools
Some time ago the children of nomadic reindeer herders had to
stay in boarding schools for the all winter, or travel with their
relatives and refuse systematic education. Now most of the time
children study in nomadic schools in tents. Nomadic schools
usually gather small classes or groups consisting of children from
one to three families.


As you can see, schools can be very different all over the
world. In my opinion, it is interesting to learn about it!


Тhank you for your attention!
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