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Дневная рутина
Авторы: Савченко Татьяна, Скрипина Варвара, Тимашов Егор, Рябинкин
DAILY ROUTINEA daily routine is a daily, obligatory, repeated action every day. Performing routines
should become a habit and gradually begin to be done automatically. Don't be
alarmed that they may take up a lot of your time. This is quite normal during login.
Gradually, your time to do household chores will decrease
The final list of routines is compiled not in one day, but in months. The daily order of life
is subject to a certain rhythm: we need to go to work, cook, clean, do our homework,
go to the store, and so on. We put all these things into a standard schedule, which
helps us to allocate our day as efficiently as possible. Over time, the daily routine
becomes a habit. These everyday traditions and habits are called routine in
DAILY ROUTINEOn the one hand, routine in life helps us optimize our lives, avoid making hundreds of
daily decisions and act according to proven scenarios. On the other hand, routine
tasks make life monotonous and monotonous, which leads to discontent, burnout and
The main responsibility for following a routine lies with our brain. It is he who
standardizes and routineizes all daily tasks. This helps to reduce stress and optimize the
consumption of body resources. At the same time, such routine leads to cognitive
errors and distortions. The work of the brain is the physiological basis of routine.
DAILY ROUTINEIn addition, there are psychological factors that lead to the fact that we prefer routine
to variety. These reasons include:
• Reason
• Description
Fear of change
Going beyond the usual routine is scary. And fear is not an emotion that we want to
experience. To get rid of it, we say that the familiar and familiar is better than the new
and unknown.
DAILY ROUTINEDisclaimer of liability
We find thousands of excuses why we don't want to meet friends or aren't looking for
a new job. But in fact, we just shift the responsibility for this decision to others and
Negative thinking
Pessimism and constant expectation of the worst scenarios leads to the fact that we
choose the usual path and do not seek to try new things. When you expect bad things
from life, you want to keep everything as it is.
DAILY ROUTINEThe desire to avoid difficulties
New opportunities are also new challenges that not everyone is ready for. Because of
this, we prefer the familiar and the familiar to the new and the unknown.
Obsession with the past
If the past was richer and more interesting than the present, we risk getting stuck in
memories and getting bogged down in routine. It seems to us that it will not be better
than it was before, so we do not seek to change anything.
DAILY ROUTINELife settings
How we relate to new things and changes is also influenced by our life attitudes.
Among them are a sense of duty, hyper—responsibility, the need to "earn" something
good in life, confidence, entertainment and diversity are available only to the rich or
Misunderstanding of your true desires
When we don't understand ourselves and don't know what we really want, we choose
the most calm and safe options. And they tend to be the most boring.
DAILY ROUTINELife settings How we relate to new things and changes is also influenced by our life
attitudes. Among them are a sense of duty, hyper—responsibility, the need to "earn"
something good in life, confidence, entertainment and diversity are available only to
the rich or irresponsible. Misunderstanding of your true desires When we don't
understand ourselves and don't know what we really want, we choose the most calm
and safe options. And they tend to be the most boring.
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSAcademic performance and well—being begin with simple things - proper nutrition
and sleep, distribution of academic load, activities and rest. In the final grades, the
importance of the daily routine becomes especially important in order to be in good
shape every day and not burn out before exams. What simple rules should be
followed by children and adults, now we will tell you.
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSA teenager's daily routine If a 10-hour sleep is necessary for a junior and middle school
student, then the sleep rate for teenagers aged 12-16 will be 8-9 hours. Chronic sleep
deprivation is also dangerous, leading to a decrease in cognitive skills and overwork.
The duration of mental stress increases: the time for homework will be about 3.5 hours,
and there will be 6 or more lessons in the daily schedule.
The need for physical activity is increasing: just a mobile lifestyle is no longer enough, it
is advisable to engage in active sports or dancing. During a period of highly intense
mental stress, it is more important than ever to monitor nutrition: a teenager's diet
should include low-fat meats, dairy and fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables
and nuts. A teenager should receive about 2600-3000 kcal per day.
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSWhat should be the academic load? The older the child gets, the more
independence there should be in the matter of his daily routine. Ideally, by the 11th
grade, a child should master the skills of planning his time — this is one of the most
important conditions for fruitful preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam.
The daily routine
of teenagers
According to the experience
of training
in schools, it is advisable to conduct classes in
preparation for the Unified State Exam or OGE 2-3 times a week. In the remaining time,
if desired, you can study a specialized subject optional, for example, through
podcasts, reading books or systems of additional tasks and tests to consolidate
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSIn the increasing rhythm of life in a post-industrial society, all demographic groups
experience high loads, but it is in adolescence that they can become critical. In
grades 8-11, intellectual, psycho-emotional and physical activities increase
significantly, the number of lessons increases and their complexity increases, the
amount of time spent on homework is also increasing.
At the same time, there are psychological changes caused by puberty, the leading
type of activity is being replaced, which leads to an increase in time spent on
communication, an expansion of the circle of communication and new social
practices, as well as a change in biorhythms. In this regard, there is a significant
decrease in the duration of sleep, which performs a number of vital functions
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSLack of sleep in adolescents is caused by a number of reasons. So, one of them is a
shift in the circadian rhythm of sleep-wakefulness in adolescents 1-2 hours later than in
adults and children. Because of this, the time of the beginning and end of the sleep
phase of the sleep-wake rhythm becomes later – 23:00-24:00 and 8:00-9:00,
respectively, while the sleep duration necessary to preserve human health continues
to be quite high, within 8-10 hours.
However, the start time of the training sessions does not undergo any changes, they
continue to start at 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., which coincides with the natural time of
awakening of teenagers. Because of this, they have to wake up earlier, and therefore
lose hours of sleep. Also, an important factor causing sleep deficiency in adolescents
is their excessive workload.
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSAlmost all teenagers of senior school age are forced to do large-scale household
chores that take up a significant amount of free time, attend additional classes,
various clubs and sections. In this regard, communication with friends, rest, personal
affairs and household duties are postponed to a later time, which significantly reduces
the time allotted for sleep.
Another reason for sleep deficiency in adolescents may be various mental and
somatic diseases, among them: insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, parasomnia,
depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar affective disorder.
THE DAILY ROUTINE OF TEENAGERSHow to solve this problem? The most promising way to solve the problem of sleep
deficiency is to change the start time of classes in educational institutions to 10:00
instead of the usual 8:00.The proposed change will allow the learning process to be
limited to the biological rhythm of sleep-wakefulness of adolescents shifted by 2 hours
in relation to adults. As a result, students will skip classes less, and their sleep will get
А также мы провели анкетирование в разных классах, и узнали, во сколько ониложатся спать ,а во сколько встают
8 классы4 человек
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3 человек
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80% 5 классов оценивают свой сон на 4/5,а 20% на 5/5
80% 6 классов оценивают свой сон на 3/5,а 20% на 5/5
65% 3 классов оценивают свой сон на 5/5,а 35% на 3/5