What do you think about leave our planet and begin life on Mars?
Do you know them?
Mars One team
Preliminary dates
Mars One research
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Our contacts
Thanks for watching



C H I S TO G O V M . D .
PERM 2015

2. What do you think about leave our planet and begin life on Mars?

“I joined the Mars One advisory board because I plan to
retire on Mars... but not too soon! I want to help send
some healthy settlers on ahead to get the place ready for
Esther Dyson (USA), investor and chairman of EDventure

3. Do you know them?

Bas Lansdorp
Arno Wielders

4. Mars One team

• Mars One founding in 2011
• Bas and Arno developed a strategic plan for
placing the first humans on Mars
• Founded international team


The purpose of humanity
In 2018 a rover will land on Mars. While the general location of the outpost will be known, the
rover’s task is to find the best spot in that area. You will be able to join it on its mission thanks to
the live video being streamed back to Earth.

6. Preliminary dates

• Mars One has developed a realistic plan to
establish a permanent settlement on Mars.
• 2018 mission will be the first in preparation
for human landing.
• The first Mars One crew is scheduled to land
in 2025

7. Mars One research

After launch and landing on Mars and placing the satellite in orbit, the mission will prove
numerous other technologies which will be important for our 2025 human mission.

8. Donate us


9. Our contacts


10. Thanks for watching

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