Russia and Italy. Important to Remember!
Benito Musolini 1883 — 1945
Key features of totalitarianism:
Key features of totalitarianism:
Key features of totalitarianism:
Let’s sum up:
Category: historyhistory

Russia and Italy. Important to Remember!

1. Russia and Italy. Important to Remember!

2. Benito Musolini 1883 — 1945

Benito Musolini
1883 — 1945
Josef Stalin
1879 —1953


What are the key features of


Why was it possible to
establish totalitarianism in
the 20 century?

5. Key features of totalitarianism:

One political party (Fasci Italiani di Combattimento)

6. Key features of totalitarianism:

One political party(The Soviet Union “Communist party”)

7. Key features of totalitarianism:

Political Worship
or Cult of personality(Il Duce)
Prague, the Czech Republic
Tripoli, Lybia


Persecution for political reasons
Gulag, Siberia, Russia
The Mask of Sorrow,
Magadan, Russia


Totalitarianism is a political system in which the state holds total control over the
society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible.
No freedom of speech or privacy
Cult of personality
Paranoid leaders
Press and media under complete state control
Criticism of the state is severely punished
One political party
Labour and concentration camps
Mass brainwashing

10. Let’s sum up:

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