
What Is the Executive Branch


Audition: What Is the Executive Branch
of the U.S. Government - History


The head of the state is the president. The President’s powers and qualifications reflect
the Constitutional clauses intended to prevent the development of the presidential
government while providing for strong national leadership. The President must be a
natural-born citizen, at least thirty-five years old, and have been a resident of the USA
for at least fourteen years. He is elected separately from Congress and cannot be
removed from office by a vote of no-confidence. According to the Constitution a
president's office is limited to two terms of 4 years each. It also describes how a
president can be removed from office (impeachment procedure).The president may only
be impeached if he commits crimes in office. Presidential duties are stated in the
Constitution, delegated by Congress. The most important extra constitutional duties are
acting as chief of state and party leader. The President became the nation’s ceremonial
head of state by default, because the Constitution provides no other office for that
purpose. He became the national leader of his party as parties developed into the
organizers of the nation’s political life and the presidency became increasingly powerful.
The President’s popularity with voters can often affect the success of his party’s
candidates for other offices. He is the administrative head of the nation because the
Constitution states that ‘the executive power shall be vested in the President’. The
Constitution names the President as commander in chief, making him the highest
ranking officer in the armed services, but gives Congress the power to declare war. The
powers of the presidency are formidable, but not without limitations. The president often
proposes legislation to Congress. The president can also forbid any bill passed by
Congress. The veto can be overridden by a 2/3 vote in both the Senate and House of
Representatives. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges as vacancies
occur, including members of the Supreme Court. All such court appointments are subject
to confirmation by the Senate.


An unique power - Уникальная сила
Including – Включая
An Executive order - Административный указ
Federal agencies - Федеральные органы
President’s cabinet - Кабинет президента
The commander-in-chief Главнокомандующий
The military - Военный
An advisory board - консультативный Совет
The chief executive - Глава исполнительной
The secretary of department - Секретарь
To confirm - Подтверждать
The checks and balances - Система сдержек и
Succession in the event - Преемственность в
этом событии
Current - Текущий
To incapacitate - Выводить из строя
To resign - Уходить в отставку
To die - умереть
Pro tempore – Временный
Ambassador - Посол
To enact bills - Принимать законопроекты
To reject - Отклонять
To pardon - Извинять
Grant clemencies - Помилование
Federal crimes - Федеральные преступления
Except - Кроме
Representative - Представитель
To negotiate - Вести переговоры
To sign treaties - Подписывать договоры
To ratify - Ратифицировать
To issue – Выдавать, издавать
To allow - Позволять
To overturn - Опровергать
Considering - Принимая во внимание
The eligibility requirements - Требования
Stipulated - Обусловленный
The poll - Опрос
Cast - В ролях
Behalf - От имени
Stipulations - Условия
Befuddle - Одурманивать
Maintaining - Обслуживающий
To expand - Расширять
A force - Сила
The world stage - Мировая арена
The free world - Свободный мир




Ambassadors, executive orders, executive branch, sign treaties,
to pardon, electoral college, absolute power, federal judges, the
nation's representative.
1. The president heads the _____________________ and has unique powers,
including executive orders, vetoes, appointing_________________, and
appointing the heads of federal agencies, also known as the president's cabinet.
2. The president doesn't have________________ to make these appointments.
3. The president also appoints the heads of more than 50 independent federal
commissions as well as _______________ and federal judges.
4. The president also has the power ___________________ and grant clemencies
for federal crimes, except in cases of impeachment on both the state and federal
5. In the global sphere, the president serves as ____________________.
6. He can negotiate and ____________________ with another nation, but it only
becomes ratified with the support of 2/3 of the Senate.
7. The president also has the power to issue _______________ which allows him to
direct the actions of members of the executive branch without it having to be
approved by Congress.
8. In the US, we elect a new president every four years through a system called the


1. US/ of/ government/ are/ the/ branches/ three/
in/ there.
2. as/ the/ of/ also/ president/ commander-in-chief/
the/ military/ acts/ the.
3. appointees/ Senate/ president's/ a/ to/ the/
confirm/ the/ vote/ wants.
4. lists/ Constitution/ only/ requirements/ three/ the.
5. the/ years/ president/ be/ age,/ natural/ of/ born/
35/ citizen/ a/ must.
6. are/ terms/ limited/ two/ presidents/ four-year/ to.
7. World/ president's/ has/ on / force / and/ United
States/ the/ grown/ power/ the/ has/ a/ stage/
expanded/ the.


1. What are the unique powers of the executive branch of
the U.S.?
2. Who can be the president in the United States?
3. In what events do the cabinet members make up part of
the presidential line of successions?
4. What is the official sequence for the presidency in a
case of his removal from office?
5. What the president can do when the Congress enacts
6. Whom does the president appoint?
7. What does the president not do in cases of
impeachment on both the state and federal level?
8. How does the president serve in a global sphere?
9. How many requirements to be the president does the
Constitution list?
10. How many terms did Delano Roosevelt serve?


Tell the group what you have learnt
about the Executive Power
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