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Guess the Ancient Greek God or Goddess



Ancient Greek Gods
and Goddesses
The ancient Greeks lived over 3000 years
ago. They were one of the most significant
and influential ancient civilisations in
history. Their ideas and inventions are well
known and still inspire people to this day.
An important and famous aspect of the
ancient Greek civilisation was their
mythology – a collection of epic stories
about Greek gods and goddesses, demigods,
monsters and mythical creatures.
These gods and goddesses often had a
symbol or purpose that was associated
with them.
Can you guess which god or goddess is
being described on the following slides?


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
It was said that he could control
the weather.
His symbol was a thunderbolt.
His brothers were Hades and Poseidon.
He was considered the father and protector
of all gods and mortals.
He was known as ‘god of the
sky’ or ‘king of the gods’.
a clue.


Zeus was considered the father and protector of all
gods and mortals. It was said that he could control
the weather. He was usually shown as an older man
with a beard, sometimes holding a lightning bolt.
He was a son of Cronus and Rhea, who were
Titans, and he overthrew his father, King
Cronus. After the king was defeated, Poseidon,
Hades and Zeus argued over who would become
the next king. They decided to draw lots over
who would have the honour: Zeus became
the king.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
It was said that she was born from sea foam
near the coast of Cythera.
Her symbol was a dove.
Her father was either Zeus or Zeus’s grandfather
(there are different stories about this!).
She rode a flying chariot that was
pulled by sparrows.
She was known as the ‘goddess
of love and beauty’.
a clue.


It was said that Aphrodite was
born from sea foam near the
coast of Cythera. She was very
beautiful and was often depicted
with a dove and accompanied
by Eros, the winged god of love.
She rode a flying chariot that
was pulled by sparrows.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
It is thought that his name means ‘husband of
the earth’ or ‘lord of the earth’.
He was often shown with
a trident – a three-pronged spear.
He became ruler of the seas when his father,
Cronus, was overthrown.
It was said that he could cause
earthquakes and create springs
and flood waters.
He was known as the
‘god of the sea’.
a clue.


The brother of Zeus and Hades, Poseidon
became ruler of the seas when their
father, Cronus, was overthrown. He was
also god of earthquakes and horses. It was
thought that his name means ‘husband of
the earth’ or ‘lord of the earth’.
He was often shown with a trident – a
three-pronged spear. By striking the
rocks at his feet with his trident, it was
said that Poseidon could cause
earthquakes and create springs and
flood waters.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
She was the Greek goddess of women,
marriage and family.
She was often depicted wearing a royal
headband, which is called a ‘diadem’.
She was the wife and also the sister of Zeus.
She was also shown carrying a
sceptre topped with a pomegranate
and a cuckoo.
She was known as the
‘queen of the gods’.
a clue.


The Greek goddess of women, marriage
and family, Hera was the wife and also
the sister of Zeus. She was known to be
vengeful and could be cruel to those that
angered her.
She was depicted wearing a royal
headband, called a ‘diadem’, and
carrying a sceptre topped with a
pomegranate. She was also often
featured with a cuckoo or a peacock.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
His name means ‘the unseen one’.
He was shown with a two-pronged pitchfork
or staff and accompanied by his three-headed
dog, Cerberus.
He was known to be a terrifying figure and was
therefore not often depicted in Greek mythology.
In images, he was usually pictured wearing
a helmet, known as the ‘helm of
darkness’ or ‘cap of invisibility’.
He was known as ‘king of the
underworld’ and ‘god of the dead’.
a clue.


Ruler of the underworld, a place human souls were
said to go after death, Hades was the brother of Zeus
and Poseidon. His name means ‘the unseen one’. He
was known to be a terrifying figure and was
therefore not often depicted in Greek mythology.
In images of Hades, he was usually pictured
wearing a helmet, known as the ‘helm of darkness’
or ‘cap of invisibility’. He was also shown with
a two-pronged pitchfork or staff and
accompanied by his three-headed dog, Cerberus.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
The Parthenon, a temple located in the
Acropolis of Athens, was dedicated to her.
She was shown wearing either a tunic,
known as a ‘chiton’, or armour with a
Corinthian helmet and shield.
She was an admired figure and was
strongly associated with Athens, the capital
city of Greece.
She was a daughter of Zeus.
She was known as the ‘goddess
of wisdom and war’.
a clue.


Greek myths said that Athena sprang from
Zeus’s head, fully grown and wearing armour.
She was an admired figure and strongly
associated with Athens, the capital city of
Greece. The Parthenon, a temple located in
the Acropolis of Athens, was dedicated to her.
She was shown wearing either a tunic,
known as a ‘chiton’, or armour with a
Corinthian helmet and shield. The shield
often depicted an image of a gorgon’s head,
symbolising the head of Medusa: the gift
she received from Perseus.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
He was one of the twelve Olympian gods that
lived on Mount Olympus.
He was often shown with a lyre (a U-shaped
musical instrument similar to a harp), a bow
and arrow and a laurel crown.
He was god of many things, including the sun
and light, music and poetry, archery
and healing.
He had a twin sister.
He was known as the ‘god of
the sun and light’.
a clue.


Apollo was god of many things, including
the sun and light, music and poetry,
archery and healing. He was often shown
with a lyre (a U-shaped musical
instrument similar to a harp), a bow and
arrow and a laurel crown.
Apollo was one of the twelve Olympian
gods that lived on Mount Olympus. His
twin sister was Artemis, who was born
first and helped to deliver him.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
His name is an ancient word for
‘war’ or ‘battle’.
He was shown with a helmet, a shield, sword or
spear and a chariot driven by four horses.
He was not a popular god and even Zeus,
his own father, called him ‘the most hateful
of gods’.
His mother was Hera.
He was known as the
‘god of war’.
a clue.


Ares was the Greek god of war; however,
unlike the goddess Athena, he was said to
represent the violent and brutal aspects of
war. His name is an ancient word for ‘war’
or ‘battle’. He was not a popular god and
even Zeus, his own father, called him ‘the
most hateful of gods’.
He was shown with a helmet, a shield,
sword or spear and a chariot driven by
four horses.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
She was shown as a young woman carrying a
quiver with arrows and holding a bow.
She was also often pictured with an animal,
usually a stag or a doe, or with hunting dogs.
Her parents were Zeus and Leto.
She had a twin brother who, according to
the mythology, she helped to deliver.
She was known as ‘goddess of the hunt’
or ‘goddess of the moon’.
a clue.


Twin sister to Apollo, it was said that Artemis helped
her mother, the Titaness Leto, deliver her brother
Apollo nine days after her birth.
She was shown as a young woman
carrying a quiver with arrows and
holding a bow. She was also often
pictured with an animal, usually a stag
or a doe, or with hunting dogs. As well
as being goddess of hunting, Artemis was
also goddess of the moon and was
therefore also sometimes shown wearing
a crown with a crescent moon.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
He was the son of Zeus and Maia.
He was sometimes known as the
'divine trickster'.
He invented the lyre, the U-shaped musical
instrument associated with Apollo.
He was famously pictured wearing
winged sandals, known as the
‘talaria of Mercury’.
He was the messenger god.
a clue.


In Greek mythology, Hermes was
the messenger god. He was the son of Zeus
and Maia and sometimes known as the
'divine trickster' – on the first day of his
life, Hermes stole Apollo's cattle. He
invented the lyre, the U-shaped instrument
associated with Apollo.
He was famously pictured wearing winged sandals,
known as the ‘talaria of Mercury’, which enabled him
to move between the worlds of the mortal and divine.


Guess the Greek God or Goddess
Find out more about the Greek gods and goddesses in
‘Atticus and the Ancient Greeks’ from Twinkl Originals.
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