Category: englishenglish

Family and life at the college


Family and life at
the college


family [ˈfæmɪlɪ] – семья;
relative [ˈrelətɪv] – родственник.
nuclear family – малая семья;
parents – родители;
mother [‘mʌðə] – мать;
father [‘fɑːðə] – отец;
children (мн. child) – дети;
daughter [‘dɔːtə] – дочь;
son [sʌn] – сын;
sister [‘sɪstə] – сестра;
brother [‘brʌðə] – брат.
twins – близнецы, двойня;
aunt [ɑːnt] – тетя;
uncle [‘ʌŋkl] – дядя;
niece [niːs]- племянница;
nephew [‘nefjuː] – племянник;
cousin [ˈkʌz(ə)n] – двоюродный брат /
father-in-law – свекор, тесть;
mother-in-law – свекровь, теща;
son-in-law – муж дочери, зять;
daughter-in-law – жена сына, невестка.
step-father – отчим;
step-mother – мачеха;
step-son – приемный сын;
extended family – расширенная семья;
step-daughter – падчерица.
grandparents – дедушка и бабушка;
wife [waɪf] – жена;
grandfather [‘græn(d)ˌfɑːðə] – дедушка;
husband [ˈhʌzbənd] – муж;
grandmother [‘græn(d)ˌmʌðə] –
married [ˈmærɪd] – женат / замужем;
single [ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l] – холост / не замужем;
grandchild (мн. grandchildren) – внук,
divorced – разведен(а).
внучка (внуки);
ex-wife – бывшая жена;
ex-husband – бывший муж;


Exercise 1. Подберите правильный вариант ответа
1.Olga is is your mother's mother. Olga is your...
a) mother
b) aunt
c) granny
d) sister
2. Max is your uncle's son. He is your...
a) nephew
b) cousin
c) twin d) grandson
3. Sarah is your grandma's only daughter. Sarah is your...
a) mother b) aunt
c) granny
d) sister
4. Nikita is your mother's son. He is your...
a) nephew b) dad
c) brother d) grandson
5. Mary is your uncle's wife. She is your...
b) mother
b) aunt
c) granny
d) sister


Составить ответ на вопрос:
What is the family for you?


Расскажи про семью – задание в


May I come in? - Можно войти?
Sorry for being late. - Извините за опоздание.
May I join the class / group? - Можно мне присоединиться к классу / группе?
May I open / close the window? - Можно мне открыть / закрыть окно?
May I go out, please? - Можно выйти?
What shall we do? - Что нам делать?
Do we have to write this down? - Это надо записать?
I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please? - Я не понимаю. Вы не могли бы
Can you explain it once more, please? - Объясните еще раз, пожалуйста.
I'm ready. Shall I begin? - Я готов. Можно начать?
What does "..." mean in Russian? - Что слово "..." означает по-русски?
How do you say "..." in English? - Как сказать "..." по-английски?
Could you help me, please? - Вы могли бы мне помочь, пожалуйста.
I don't have a .... May I borrow one? - У меня нет ... . Можно мне одолжить?
I was absent from the last lesson. - Я отсутствовал на последнем уроке.
I could not do my homework because - Я не смог сделать домашнюю работу, потому что


A: Hi, my name is Alex. What's your name?
B: Hello, Alex. Nice to meet you. My name is Laura.
A: It's nice to meet you too, Laura. Are you a new student here at the college?
B: Yes, I am. I just started this semester. How about you?
A: I've been here for a year now. Are you enjoying your classes so far?
B: Yes, I am. The teachers are very nice and the classes are interesting. What are
you studying?
A: I'm majoring in Biology. How about you?
B: I am majoring in Computer Science. It's always been something I've been
interested in.
A: That's great. Maybe we can study together sometime.
B: I would like that. It's always nice to have someone to study with.
A: Definitely. So, where are you from, Laura?
B: I'm from Seattle. How about you?
A: I'm from Los Angeles. It's quite a change for me being here in the East Coast.
B: Yes, but I'm sure you'll love it here.
A: I think so too. It's been nice meeting you, Laura.
B: Same to you, Alex. Let's definitely keep in touch and study together sometime.


John: Hi, I'm John. Nice to meet you.
Kelly: Hi, I'm Kelly. Nice to meet you too.
John: So, what do you think of the college?
Kelly: I really like it. It is beautiful and everyone are really friendly.
John: Yeah, I agree. I'm excited to start my classes and take part in activities.
Kelly: Me too. I was thinking about joining a club or maybe trying sports.
John: That's a great idea. I'm actually in the debate club and we're always
looking for new people.
Kelly: Oh, that sounds interesting. What kind of topics do you debate?
John: We debate a variety of topics, from politics to social issues to philosophy.
It's really cool because it helps us practice our critical thinking and public
speaking skills.
Kelly: Yeah, I could use some practice in those areas. Maybe I'll come check it
out sometime.
John: That would be awesome. Our next meeting is on Wednesday if you're
Kelly: Sure, I'll put it on my calendar. Thanks for telling me about it!
John: No problem. It was nice meeting you, Kelly.
Kelly: Nice meeting you too, John. See you around!


Cоставить диалог с другом про колледж. Подробно рассказать
о своем обучении, что нравится/ не нравится. О парах и
домашнем задании. Тяжело или легко учиться.
В диалоге нужно задавать вопросы друг другу, как будто вы
встретили человека впервые.
Диалог выучить. На каждого 9-10 реплик – больших (не на 1-2
слова, а пару предложений)
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