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Функции менеджмента
Functions ofManagement
Objectives of the lessonSetting goal and learn SMART SYSTEM
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► Define Functions of the Management
► Planning
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► Trace back
► Features
► Opportunity
► Forecasting
► Efficiency
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ManagementPreparation to ORT exam
The process of managing is called management.
Management is defined as the art of getting things done from others
►Management isgetting works done
through others.
Management► Mangers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness
in the work process.
► Efficiency is getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense
or waste.
► Effectiveness accomplish tasks that help fulfill organizations
objectives, such as customer service and satisfaction.
► 19 th century
► 20 th as a Academic discipline
Management► The economic environment around us consists of three basic entities
► Households (the consumers)
► Firms (the producers)
► Government (the co-coordinator).
► Thus households and firms are inter-related as :
• households provide their service to firms and get paid for the same in the
form of wages/salaries, whereas,
• firms provide goods and services to the household and get paid in the form
of prices.
► This mutual give-n-take becomes a complexphenomenon if there is no one to oversee the
activities of these entities.
► To be effective with minimum adverse
consequences, it is essential that group efforts are
properly organized, directed and coordinated, i.e.,
there is a need for management.
► This role is played by the third entity – the
Management► Hick defines management as “the process of getting things done by
the people and through the people”.
► Koontz and O’Donnell state that management means, “Getting
things done through and with people”.
► According to Henry Fayol, “To Manage is to forecast, and to plan, to
organize, to command and to coordinate.”
► Haimann observes, “Management is the function of getting things
done through people and directing the efforts of individuals towards
a common objective”.
ManagementEvery human being has the
potential to do remarkable
things. To enable every person
to understand, develop and
utilize his/her potential,
management should provide
an environment whereby
maximum output can be
extracted from an individual.
IMPORTANCE OF MANAGEMENT► To a very large extent the success of an organization is
dependent on its management. Therefore, it is essential
to understand the importance of management and its
wider scope. This will also help us in understanding how
good management helps in the growth and progress of
an enterprise in the long run.
EXAMPLE►eBay succeeds because of
Meg Whitmen’s capabilities
as a manager and not
because of her ability to
write code.
Functions► Planning
► Organizing
► Staffing
► Directing
► Controlling
►What is the Planning?►What kind of Problems may
raise if manager does not
know how to plan?
Planning means deciding in the present whatto do in the future. It is the process whereby
companies reconcile their resources with their
objectives and opportunities.
Philip Kotler
Planning determining organizational
goals and a means for achieving
CONCEPT►Planning is the most important
function of every manager. It
involves deciding in advance
what is to be done and
where, how and by whom it is
to be done.
►Planning is a rational approach to thefuture
► A plan of action believed necessary to achieve the desired
results is visualized and formulated.
► Planning, therefore, essentially means looking ahead and
preparing for the future. It is a mental task.
(i) Planning – an Intellectual Process: Planning involves choosing the proper course of
action from among alternatives and calls for decision-making, which is an intellectual
(ii) Planning – a Primary Function: Planning is the most basic function of management. As a
matter of fact, all other functions of management largely depend upon planning. Control,
for example, is a necessary corollary of planning and cannot exist without planning.
(iii) Planning – a Continuous Function of Management: Management is a dynamic process
and planning as its function cannot be an exception to it.
Features of the Planning
TYPES OF PLANS(i)Business Plans
(ii) Marketing Plans: These are those business plans that keep changes in
perception and branding as their primary goals.
(iii) Operational Plans: These describe the goals of an internal organization, a
working group or a department.
(iv) Project Plans: These describe the goals of a particular project. They may
also provide for the projects place within the organization’s larger strategic
(v) Strategic Plans: These are business plans that identify and target internal
goals, but provide only general guidance on how those plans can be attained.
set broad, comprehensive, and longer-term action directions for the entire
Strategic planning involves analyzing competitive opportunities andthreats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and
then determining how to position the organization to compete effectively
in their environment.
Strategic planning is often based on the organization’s mission, which is
its fundamental reason for existence.
An organization’s top management most often conducts strategic
Operational PlanningOperational planning generally assumes the
existence of organization-wide or subunit goals
and objectives and specifies ways to achieve
them. Operational planning is short-range (less
than a year) planning that is designed to
develop specific action steps that support the
strategic and tactical plans.
Steps in the planning process:► 1. Define your objectives.
► 2. Determine where you stand vis-à-vis objectives.
► 3. Develop premises regarding future conditions.
► 4. Analyze and choose among action alternatives.
► 5. Implement the plan and evaluate results.
What are the useful planning tools andtechniques?
Making assumptions about what will happen in the future.
Qualitative forecasting uses expert opinions.
Quantitative forecasting uses mathematical and statistical analysis.
All forecasts rely on human judgment. Planning involves deciding on how to deal
with the implications of a forecast.
What are the useful planning tools and techniques?Contingency planning
Identifying alternative courses of action that can be
implemented to meet the needs of changing
Contingency plans anticipate changing conditions.
Scenario planning
A long-term version of contingency planning.
Identifying alternative future scenarios. Plans made
for each future scenario. Increases organization’s
flexibility and preparation for future shocks..
Use of external comparisons to better evaluate
current performance and identify possible actions for
the future. Adopting best practices of other
organizations that achieve superior performance.
PLANS USED BY MANAGERSShort-range and long-range plans
Short-range plans = 1 year or less
Intermediate-range plans = 1 to 2 years
Long-range plans = 3 or more years