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Crimes and punishments
3. Punishment is Inevitable
4. Punishment is Inevitable
People who break the law are criminals.The verb used with “crime” is not “do” but
“to commit a crime”,
“to commit a murder”,
“to commit a theft”.
If a person
commits a serious crime,
he or she must be arrested
and taken to court.
5. Тable №1 (Complete it):
VerbName of crime
The person
to steal something
a theft
to burgle a house
to rob a bank
to shoplift
to set fire / to
commit arson
to murder someone
to blackmail
6. Check Yourselves:
VerbName of crime
The person
to steal something
a theft
a theft
to burgle a house
a burglary
a burglar
to rob a bank
a robbery
a robber
to shoplift
a shoplifting
a shoplifter
to set fire / to
commit arson
an arson
an arsonist
to murder someone
a murder
a murderer
to blackmail
a blackmail
a blackmailer
7. A Rape
If a person (a man, asusual) forces
another person
(usually a woman)
to have sex with him,
though she doesn’t
want to, this type
of crime is
called a rape,
and the criminal
is a rapist
8. A Kidnapping
Sometimescriminals take
people by force
and hide them
This is a
especially when
the victims are
And the criminal is
a kidnapper
9. A Mugging
If someone stealssomething from
persons being violent
(by attacking them and
taking their money),
this is a mugging.
And the criminal is
This word is only used
if the crime happens
It’s not used if the
happens in a building.
1.Why do Juveniles commit crimes?2. Do they need help or punishment?
3.Do they need to be locked up ( to be put into
1. In prison young people will meet realcriminals , who may unfortunately teach
them more about being a criminal.
2. What do you think would be the worst
thing about being in prison?
12. Common excuses
1. I was influenced by my friends2. I had to do it to be COOL
3. I did not have enough attention from my
parents when I was a child
4. My parents did not give me enough pocket
5. Poverty pushed me into crime
13. Why do we have laws?
1. Laws tell us what we MUST do and what weCANNOT do. They also tell you what your
rights are.
2. A law exists because a majority of the people
in the country agrees with it.
3. Laws are compulsory. You can't choose
which ones you obey and which ones you
ignore. They are backed up by punishment
4. A law exists because it promotes the health
or safety of everyone in society (seat belt)
14. Why do we have laws?
5. Laws protect everybody. Without theprotection of law each person could be under
threat from everyone else in society.
6. A law exists because it helps society to
function more smoothly. Traffic lights are an
example of this sort of law. Because people
obey traffic lights, society works efficiently. If
everyone did whatever they felt like doing at
every intersection, we would have chaos.
7. You are punished if you break a law but thelaw protects you from being punished when
you haven't done anything wrong.
8. Everybody is equal under the law.