Category: geographygeography

Historical places of samarkand




Samarkand is a city in Uzbekistan
that is known for its rich history and architectural wonders. It has
been a major center of trade, culture, and scholarship along the
Silk Road for centuries. Here are some of the historical places in


Registan Square:
This is the heart of
Samarkand and one of
the most famous squares
in the world. It is
surrounded by three
magnificent madrasahs
(Islamic schools) - Ulugh
Beg Madrasah, Sher-Dor
Madrasah, and Tilya-Kori
Madrasah. The intricate
tilework and grandeur of
these buildings make
Registan Square a mustvisit.


Registan Square is the main square in Samarkand and is considered one of the most iconic
landmarks in Uzbekistan. The word "Registan" translates to "sandy place" in Persian, referring to
the square's original sandy ground. It has been a center of trade, public gatherings, and cultural
events for centuries.
Ulugh Beg Madrasah: Built in the early 15th century by Ulugh Beg, a Timurid ruler and
astronomer, this madrasah is known for its simplicity and geometric tilework. It was once a
prestigious educational institution and is now home to a museum that displays artifacts from the
Timurid era.


2. Sher-Dor Madrasah:
Constructed in the 17th century,
this madrasah stands out with its
vibrant blue and gold mosaic
tiles. Its name translates to "LionBearing" in Persian, referring to the
fierce-looking lions depicted on its
facade. The interior of the
madrasah features ornate halls
and classrooms.


3. Tilya-Kori Madrasah:
Completed in the mid17th century, this
madrasah is distinguished
by its golden dome and
intricate calligraphy. Its
name means "Gilded" in
Persian, reflecting the
lavish gold leaf
decorations that adorn its
interior. The madrasah also
houses a mosque and a


Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis
This is a sacred complex of mausoleums that stretches along the slope of a
hill. It is believed to be the burial place of Kusam ibn Abbas, a cousin of
Prophet Muhammad. The intricate tilework and vibrant colors of the
mausoleums make it a visually stunning site.


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