Category: biographybiography

Charles Herbert Best


Done by: Ibram Al Mahdi Zaiter
Group: 19Lc1a
PENZA 2020


Born in West Pembroke, Maine on February 27, 1899 to Luella Fisher and
Herbert Huestis Best, Canadian born physician from Nova Scotia.[2] Best
grew up in Pembroke before going to Toronto to study medicine in
Best married Margaret Hooper Mahon in Toronto in 1924 and they had
two sons. One son, Henry Best was a well-regarded historian who later
became president of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. Best's
other son was Charles Alexander Best, a Canadian politician and geneticist.


in full Charles Herbert
Best, born in West
Pembroke, Maine, U.S.—died
March 31, 1978, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada),
physiologist who, with Sir
Frederick Banting, was one
of the first to obtain (1921) a
pancreatic extract of insulin
in a form that controlled
diabetes in dogs


Alongside Frederick
Banting, Charles Best
discovered insulin in 1922
after becoming Banting's
assistant during the
summer of 1921. While
Banting and J.J.R. MacLeod
won the Nobel Prize in
1923, Banting shared the
prize money with Best and
the rest of his team that
were responsible for insulin
being developed



Charles Herbert Best, just a few weeks after receiving an Honours
Baccalaureate in physiology and chemistry, jumped at the chance
to assist Dr. Frederick Banting with a research endeavour that
would eventually change the lives of millions. It was the classic
case of being the right man in the right place at the right time.
Less than three months later, Best’s name was known throughout
the medical world, and he had not even begun his medical studies.


Throughout Banting and Best's research at The University of
Toronto, Banting completed the surgical work and Best conducted
post-surgery chemical analyses. By the end of the summer, their
hard work and determination had paid off; Banting and Best had
isolated insulin, an internal secretion produced by the pancreas that
could be used to treat diabetes.
With the help of Dr. James Collip, the insulin was purified, allowing it
to be made available for clinical trials on human subjects. In 1923,
when Banting won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with
J.J.R. Mcleod, he shared his award and recognition with Best.


Following the discovery of insulin, Best went on to complete doctorates in both medicine
and physiology. As a professor of physiology at The University of Toronto, Best joined
Banting as co-director of the Banting and Best Medical Research Department in 1930. From
the time of the department’s inception, Best held the position of Honourary Research
Associate. After Banting’s death in 1941, Best was appointed Chair of the department and
remained in this position until his retirement in 1967.
During his tenure at the Banting and Best Medical Research Department, Best remained
committed to research and was successful in isolating heparin, which was found to be an
effective anti-coagulant.
He also focused his research on various insulin-related problems and contributed to the war
by researching night vision and seasickness.
For his numerous contributions to medical research, Best was named Advisor to the United
Nations World Health Organization’s Medical Research Committee and received eighteen
honourary degrees from universities around the world



In the early 1920s Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered
insulin under the directorship of John Macleod at the University of
Toronto. With the help of James Collip insulin was purified, making
it available for the successful treatment of diabetes. Banting and
Macleod earned a Nobel Prize for their work in 1923.
the son of a Canadian-born physician, Charles Best had just
completed his BA in physiology and biochemistry at University of
Toronto in the spring of 1921, when his summer employer,
Professor J.J.R. MacLeod, assigned him to work on a project
devised by Frederick Banting. Best won a coin toss with one of his
classmates to see who would start with Banting; later the other
student was not interested in taking Best's place.
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