Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

1. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

Completed student 1-В
Tatiana Bogacheva

2.  Biography

Ayvazovsky, Ivan
professor of painting, the
best Russian marine
painter. I was born on
July 17, 1817 in
Feodosiya, I died on April
19, 1900. Still being the
boy, And. I attracted
attention the drawings
and I got as the guest to
Academy of Arts in 1833.


In 1848 Ivan Konstantinovich married.
Ayvazovsky, Yuli Yakovlevn Grevs's first
wife, the Englishwoman, the daughter
of the shtabs-doctor who was on the
Russian service. They had four
daughters: Elena, Maria, Aleksandra
and Zhanna.
The second wife — Anna
Nikitichna Sarkisova. Ayvazovsky saw
Anna Nikitichna on a funeral of her
husband, famous feodosiysky
merchant, in 1882. The beauty of the
young widow struck Ivan
Konstantinovich. Anna Nikitichna's
portrait written by Ayvazovsky is
stored in gallery.
Anna Nikitichna Sarkisova


First work And. there was "An etude of air over by sea", written
in 1835 for which he received the first silver medal.


Everywhere pictures had it effect, and glory And., as
remarkable marine painter, I was established everywhere.
The major works And.: "Landing of troops in Subasha's
house" and "the View of Sevastopol" (1840);
"Landing of troops in Subasha's house"
"View of Sevastopol" (1840)


"The Neapolitan night",


"Moment of creation of the world" (1864)


I.K. Ayvazovsky. Seashore at night. 1837.
Feodosiysky art gallery of I.K. Ayvazovsky.


I.K. Ayvazovsky. A brig "Mercury" after a victory over two Turkish
courts. 1848. State Russian Museum.
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