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English tradition and culture in contemporary films


English tradition and culture
in contemporary films
Koskov S.S., Mashkov N.S.
Group 08001902
Belgorod 2021


British culture is a culture known the world
• British culture is rich and diverse. It has a strong influence on culture on a
global scale. The history of this culture goes back many centuries, which has
managed to enrich it with many traditions and customs that are known
throughout the world.


The Victorian era - a classic era of English
tradition and culture
• The Victorian times were associated with refined
manners, high culture, etiquette, honour, dignity, good
name, reputation, duty, offence, disgrace, high society,
high society, etc. Those were the times when duels
were fought and the one who defamed a girl was
obliged to marry her, if he didn't want to be the
destroyer of her fate. Those times, in comparison with
ours, were in many respects more beautiful; there was
a clear separation between people; piety and respect
for the elders, including parents, were strong. A time
when home was a fortress and land was valued above
all else...
Fig. «F. К. Winterhalter. The family of
Queen Victoria and Prince Consort Albert.
1846. Canvas, Oil. British Royal Collection.»


English cultural basics
• There was a strong influence of society
on an individual's life; the family was
very important... There was a certain
dress code, and women only wore
dresses, and loose hair was a sign of
loose morals... Women's higher purpose
was considered the family and children,
while men's higher purpose was war and
a career.


A selection of films that vividly reflect English
tradition and culture
• We'd like to present five films that, in one way or another, reflect English
culture and its traditions. We won't go into too much detail about the subject
matter, but we'll try to give you a brief outline.
«Pride and Prejudice» (2005)
«Away from the madding crowd» (2015)
«Jane Eyre» (2011)
«Northanger Abbey» (2007)
«Downton Abbey» (2019)


1. «Pride and Prejudice» (2005)
• In late 18th-century England, the
Bennet family has five daughters who
are about to marry, and their parents
hope that they will find suitable suitors
and, eventually, the family's poor
fortunes will improve...At the ball, the
sisters are introduced to Mr. Bingley, a
wealthy bachelor next door, who has
his eye on the eldest of the sisters Jane - but she is entranced by his cold
and arrogant-looking friend, Mr.
«Still from the film»


2. «Away from the madding crowd» (2015)
• Batsheba Evardine inherits a small
farm from her uncle, and
enthusiastically takes over the farm.
Three men - respectable bachelor
William, poor shepherd Gabriel and
seductive sergeant Troy - begin to
court the pretty girl. But the girl's heart
cannot choose who it favours, and this
uncertainty leads to conflict...
«Still from the film»


3. «Jane Eyre» (2011)
• Orphan Jane Eyre grows up in an
orphanage, and eventually gets
appointed governess at Thornfield
by Edward Rochester to look after
8-year-old Adele. The owner is
rarely at the manor, but when he
returns he becomes interested in
«Still from the film»


4. «Northanger Abbey» (2007)
• Introduced to society, she meets the
Thorpe family and is invited by the
handsome young Henry Tilney to
visit Northanger Abbey. Naive
Catherine has yet to learn that in
matters of the heart, nobility and
solvency can be as important as any
other quality ...
«Still from the film»


5. «Downton Abbey» (2019)
• The film is a sequel to the Fellows
series of the same name. The film
is set in 1927. The plot centres on
the visit of King George V of
Great Britain and his wife Mary to
the Crawley family's country
mansion in Yorkshire.
«Film poster»


• The whole of the above selection of films conveys English culture and life in
one way or another, almost completely. Each of the films shows the
traditions inherent in English society, and in most of them the events unfold
in the Victorian era, as the classic era of the formation of the culture and
traditions of the United Kingdom. After watching, these films are sure to
leave you with an enjoyable experience, and most importantly give you an
insight into the foundations of one of the world's most famous and fulfilling
cultures of nations - the foundations of British culture.


Thank you for your attention!
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