
Famous people in the field of programming


Donskoy Politethnicheskiy Kolledge.
Famous people in the field of programming.
Student: Eliseev Ivan.
Teacher: Zoya Fedorovna Medvedeva.
Group: P-21-2.


Alan Turing
Alan Turing is a mathematician, cryptographer,
logician. The creator of an abstract computing "Turing
machine", which is a model of a computer of general
importance. In 1945 he became a Knight of the Order
of the British Empire, in 1951 he was admitted to the
Royal Society of London.
Almost every outstanding discovery is preceded by an
amazing story. "The Turing Machine" also has its own
amazing story – the life story of a genius of science,
who received his worthy recognition only after his
tragic death. Alan Turing is put on a par with the
greatest philosophical and mathematical minds –
Leibniz, Descartes, Hilbert, Russell, Wittgenstein. He
is called a codebreaker and a pioneer of computer
science, a man who initiated the development of
computer technology.


Ada Lovelace
Ada Lovelace is a British mathematician and
researcher in various fields of science. She is
known to the world as the first person who gave a
detailed description of Charles Babbage's
analytical engine.
British mathematician Ada Lovelace left her mark
on science thanks to a deep study of the
capabilities of Charles Babbage's analytical
engine. She published a clear algorithm for the
operation of this device and became the first
scientist to prove the possibility of a wider
application of the machine.


Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an entrepreneur, public figure, founder
and shareholder of Microsoft. The richest man on
the planet, a philanthropist who has given almost
$ 30 billion to charity.
The biography of Bill Gates has become a model of
the success of a man who was able to create an
entire software industry from scratch. Probably, he
was born a programmer, because it is impossible to
learn this. In his character, anxiety and energy
coexist, the spirit of competition lives in him. He is a
fan of cars, motorboats, bridge and poker games.
He is maniacally adventurous in his work, and
competition is more important to him than money


Stephen Paul Jobs
Stephen Paul Jobs is an inventor, entrepreneur,
and industrial designer. He was at the origins of the
creation of Apple and Pixar.
Unlike many historical figures, Steve Jobs became
a legend during his lifetime – he was a daring
dreamer, a computer genius who made a real
revolution in the world of computerization. The son
of foster parents, who never graduated from
college, managed to start his own business in an
ordinary garage. Then his company will become the
most expensive in the world, its shares will
skyrocket. Throughout his life, he believed that the
most important thing is a dream and self–belief,
and then everything will definitely work out. Well, or
almost everything.


Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is a well–known programmer from the
United States, a businessman with a billion-dollar
fortune in American currency. In 2018, he took the fifth
place among the richest people on the planet. The main
developer of the social network Facebook.
Truly talented people often do not limit themselves to
one occupation, they try to realize themselves to the
maximum. A vivid example of such an implementation
can be considered the biography of Mark Zuckerberg,
who, in addition to programming, managed to achieve
excellent results in fencing, psychology, and knowledge
of foreign languages. He was lucky to turn his favorite
business into a profitable business, he became the
owner of the world-famous social network Facebook.
Now Zuckerberg's brainchild is one of the five most
visited and popular sites, and Mark has become famous
as the youngest billionaire on the planet.


Guido van Rossum
Guido van Rossum is known as the
creator of the Python language.
Since the creation of the language,
Guido has been repeatedly awarded
various prizes. In 2001, he received
an award for his contribution to the
development of free software from
the Free Software Foundation, and
in May 2003 he was awarded the
NLUUG Award. In 2006, he was
awarded the title of Outstanding


Bjarne stroustrup
The creator of C++ had very few chances to "go out into the
world": a poor family, the worst school in the city, lack of
pronounced inclinations for anything. He wasn't even
This is a person who can be called self-made. His main
goal was to achieve real success in anything.
Perhaps we are all lucky that he was "brought" into
programming. Because now it is very difficult to imagine the
modern OT industry without the legacy of C++.
Bjarne Stroustrup was born on December 30, 1950 in the
Danish city of Aarhus. It is the second largest (250
thousand inhabitants) city in Denmark, located on the east
coast of Jutland.
Despite the fact that his parents were not "academics", he
excelled at school. Although, as Bjarne later found out, it
was one of the worst schools in the city.


Timothy Berners-Lee
25 years ago, on August 23, 1991, British
scientist Timothy Berners-Lee officially
presented the world's first Internet site. During
this time, the world has changed dramatically.
However, what the Internet is now no longer
coincides with the original idea of Berners-Lee.
Whether it's good or bad is a moot point. What
does the creator of WWW think about this?
What path did Berners-Lee himself walk?
Timothy John Berners-Lee is originally from the
UK. He was born on June 8, 1955 in London.
His parents, Conway Berners–Lee and Mary
Lee Woods, were mathematical scientists. They
were also connected with IT: they conducted
research in the field of creating one of the first
computers – the Manchester Mark I.


Dennis Ritchie
Dennis Ritchie is the creator of the C programming
language. He, along with Ken Thompson,
developed C to create the UNIX operating system.
"Newton has a phrase about standing on the
shoulders of giants," says Brian Kernighan. "We're
all standing on Dennis' shoulders."
"Almost everything on the web is based on C and
UNIX," Rob Pike, a programming legend, told
Wired. - "Browsers are written in C. The UNIX
kernel runs almost the entire Internet, and it is also
written in C. Web servers are written in the C
language. And if not on it, then on Java or C++.
And these languages are derived from C. Python
and Ruby are also based on C. I vouch for the fact
that all network equipment runs on programs
written in C. It is really difficult to overestimate that,
how much of everything in the modern information
economy is based on the work of Dennis"


Source: https://biographe.ru/uchenie/alan-turing
Source: https://biographe.ru/uchenie/ada-lavlejs
Source: https://biographe.ru/biznesmeni/bill-geits
Source: https://biographe.ru/biznesmeni/stiv-jobs
Source: https://biographe.ru/biznesmeni/mark-tsukerberg
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