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Faapp. First aid is your real mate, simple, free and saves a life
FaappFirst aid is your real mate,
Simple, free and saves a life.
Done by Alyona Sviridenko
Grigoryan Shushanik
• A social enterprise – first aidmobile application – serviceoriented business.
• Once upon a time we had a
situation when we were confused
and did not know how to behave
when providing first aid, so we
came up with a business idea
about creating an application.
• We need to allocate resources,
such as human resources (from IT,
medical, legal spheres), seed
capital (10 000 euros).
Business angels
•what it does - First Aid app gives youinstant access to the information you
need to know to handle the most
common first aid emergencies in all
•how it does it - With videos,
interactive quizzes and simple step-bystep advice it’s never been easier to
know first aid.
•what it looks like – it’s an application
placed on GooglePlay and AppleStore.
FeaturesOur app has a special wallpaper
1) Preloaded content means you have instantaccess to all safety information at any time,
even without cellular or Wi-Fi connection.
2) Information is available in all languages of
the world
3) Simple step-by-step instructions guide you
through everyday first aid scenarios.
4) Fully integrated with emergency numbers
(such as 911, 999, or 112) so you can call for
help from the app at any time, even while
traveling across borders.
5) Videos and animations make learning first aid
fun and easy.
6) Safety tips for everything, from severe winter
weather to hurricanes, earthquakes and
tornadoes help you prepare for emergencies.
• 10 words in lengthFirst aid is your real mate,
Simple, free and saves a life.
• 50 words in length
3 versions of
Everyone should know the basic first aid skills that you would need to help in
emergency situations. In this case we put forward a business idea on the first
aid mobile application. Through our app you will save your life and provide
assistance to injured people on an immediate basis.
•100 words in length
One reason why people should know first aid is because accidents can happen
anywhere, and the first ten minutes are the most crucial time. If everyone knew
basic first aid you could help save a life. In this case we put forward a business
idea on the first aid mobile application. Our app is available around the globe
and in all languages of the world. Simple step-by-step instructions guide you
through everyday first aid scenarios. By the way, there is preloaded content
that means you have instant access to all safety information at any time, even
without cellular or Wi-Fi connection.
To establish and maintain a sound business platform that will contribute to the development of
health education and providing first aid.
To be the foremost driver and renowned leader in healthcare education.
Company structure
General managers (co-founders)
IT team, SEO/marketing team, design team, legal team etc.
Relevant history
Was founded in 2022, Mallorca, Spain by two co-founders.
Products and services
Description of goods
Step-by-step instructions for all topics, so you know exactly what to do in an emergency, easy
to follow illustrations for guidance, advice for treating adults, children and infants.
Proposition uniqueness
An app combines all cases of ambulance provision, interactively presents them; ambulance
arrives automatically.
Intellectual property
If we are in the business of creating apps, we keep in mind that this app is valuable intellectual
property assets. Like other assets of our business, they should be protected and maintained by
patents, trademark, copyrights.
Competitive advantages
-satisfies basic customer needs;
- easy to use offline in different parts of the world;
- preloaded content with relevant updates;
- integrated emergency numbers etc.
Development status
An app is under development, requires the creation of a program, preparation of basic
information for download.
Market analysisMarket opportunity
The growth in first aid market is experienced to be.
Target market
In some instances, the app is targeted at the general public as a whole, however, in some
countries, particular groups (e.g., children, companies, first raiders, beach-goers).
Geographical market
All over the world.
Netcare Assist App, St John Ambulance, First Aid by Swiss Reed Cross
10 000 euros
Potential price
Profit margin
Company contact info
+971 873 207