
The second period of William Shakespeare work. Period of tragedies


The second period of William Shakespeare work.
Period of tragedies.
During the second period Shakespeare wrote the following tragedies:
Hamlet,Prince of Denmark – 1602;
Troilus and Cressida – 1603;
Othello – 1604;
King Lear – 1605;
Macbeth – 1606;
Antony and Cleopatra – 1607.


Macbeth summary
In Macbeth, Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, uncontrolled
ambitions drive Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, to kill the
king and usurp the throne, and ultimately
they are destroyed by the realization of their guilt.
In this play, Shakespeare adds an element
of supernatural to the tragic structure.


Actions take place in Scotland. Macbeth, an excellent warrior with a great
reputation, returns home from battle with his friend Banco. Along the way, they
meet three witches who predict them their future. Macbeth is promised to
possess three titles: Glamis tan, Kavdor tan and become the new king. Banco
promised that his family would rule Scotland.


Friends do not take witch words seriously. But returning home Macbeth begins
to doubt. Because he was awarded the title of Kavdor tan for the victory over
Norway and Ireland, and he has had Glamis tan since birthday. Then King
Duncan decides to stay in his castle. Macbeth shares his thoughts with his wife,
who supports her husband’s plan. And when Macbeth begins to doubt his plan
to kill the king, his wife convinces him to do it.


After dinner, when Duncan sets off for his chambers,
Macbeth follows him and kills the king.
After he falls into a stupor.
Then his wife takes a bloodied weapon,
smears it in the king’s blood
and throws it to pre-dope servants
to accuse them of murder.


In the morning, Macbeth and Macduff go to the king. Portraying surprise
and a fit of anger, Macbeth kills servants who have not yet come to a clear
mind. The sons of Duncan, realizing that there was a betrayal, go to
England, thereby giving the opportunity to accuse them of betrayal,
people think that they paid the servants to kill the king.
Macbeth is the new king of Scotland.
But this is not enough. After all, Macbeth remembers the
prediction to Banco. And he decides on a new murder. After
convincing the three thieves to kill Banco, he tells them where they
can meet him. Having attacked Banco and Flins, his son, they kill
the father, and the boy runs away, promising to take revenge.


Macbeth is insane in his reign. He does not believe anyone,
especially Macduff. Then he goes to the witches, wanting to know
what to expect. Spirits tell him that he should beware of Macduff
and that no one born of a woman is able to kill him and he will not
be defeated in battle until the Birnam Forest goes to Dunsinansky
Castle. After these words, Macbeth’s madness intensified, and
hatred of Macduff, too. The last two predictions inspired thoughts
of immortality in him.


Macduff, realizing the danger, escapes to England, where he finds the
elder son of Duncan. After long negotiations, they decided to go to war
with Macbeth. As a result, Macbeth loses. His wife lays her hands on


And as a result, it becomes clear how dangerous an excessive
thirst for power can be and no one can betray friends,
honesty will triumph in the end.
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