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Maternal and child health
Prepared byGroup 311 student
General Medicine
Anastasia Palyga
The main condition for having a healthy baby isthat its parents are in good health.
There are many factors that affect the
development of the foetus during pregnancy.
Such factors include:
- the age of the mother
- the presence of hereditary diseases in the woman
- bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drug use
- nutrition during pregnancy
- the woman's living and working conditions
- stress factors.
• Smoking can lead to malformations inthe foetus, the risk of early death and
various abnormalities in the baby.
• Alcohol is considered destructive to the
foetus because when a woman consumes
it, it immediately enters the placenta.
Drinking alcohol can lead to miscarriage
or premature birth.
• If a woman uses drugs, intrauterine fetal
growth retardation, fetal hypoxia and
congenital abnormalities are noted.
Inadequate nutrition in pregnant women can lead toconsequences such as
- miscarriage
- premature birth
- Birth of a developmentally delayed baby
- Birth of a baby with foetal defects.
Organising nutrition during the perinatal period is aimed
at maintaining the health of the woman and ensuring the
harmonious development of the baby. The main tool in
achieving this goal is the expectant mother's responsible
attitude to her daily diet.
In the first half of pregnancy, a woman's nutrition should not differ significantlyfrom her pre-pregnancy diet. However, as the first trimester However, because the first
trimester is a period of organogenesis, it is particularly important that pregnant women
receive sufficient proteins, vitamins and micronutrients in optimum physiological
amounts. In the first half of pregnancy, the daily
The average daily diet should contain 110 g of protein, 75 g of fat and 350 g of
carbohydrates, for a A total caloric intake of 2,400-2,700 kcal is recommended.
In the second half of pregnancy, due to the increase in fetal weight The need for
protein increases. The amount of protein in the diet should be increased to 120 g, 85 g
of fat and 400 g of carbohydrates.
During the second half of pregnancy you should not
Ective substances (fish, meat and mushroom broths and gravy) should not be consumed.
Vegetable, milk and fruit soups are recommended.
The daily requirement of fluids for pregnant women is about 2 to 2.5 litres, and a large
proportion of this is contained in food. Free
1-1.2 litres of fluids (water, tea, milk, kissels, compotes, first courses) should be
For a favourable pregnancy and preparation for childbirth B1, B2, B3, B5, B6
vitamins are important for a favourable pregnancy and good development of the foetus
and the newborn child, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, ascorbic acid, vitamins P, A, D2 and
E. The need for these increases almost twofold during pregnancy.
• Creating a good moral climate: goodwill,readiness to forgive, understanding,
willingness to help and to do nice things for
each other.
• Сlose sincere friendship between children,
parents and teachers.
• Increased attention to the children's state
of health.