Category: sociologysociology

Feminism. Misandrist



-the belief that
women should
be allowed the
same rights,
and opportunities as
men and
be treated in the
same way,
or the set
of activities
intended to achieve
this state:



•Differences between Black feminism and White feminism^
1.White feminism: holds that the experience of Black women
gives rise to a particular understanding of their position in
relation to sexism, class oppression, and racism.
2.Black feminism: holds that the experience of Black women
gives rise to a particular understanding of their position in
relation to sexism, class oppression, and racism.


Black feminism means a growing literature, everywhere, that conveys and
conceptualizes the historical circumstances of Black women and other
women of colour.
Slavery of the blacks was another issue that concerned the black feminists
as they believed that female slave bondage was not different from male
bondages but the issue was regarding the sexual abuse of these enslaved
black women which encouraged them to develop numerous strategies to
dismantle slavery as a legal institution.
It seems to be contradictory, but it has been possible to belong to a
privileged class and to still be oppressed in another category. Several
White middle class women, well educated, can relate to experiences of
oppression while they accept living in privileged conditions. Black feminists
have criticized the White feminists coming to generalize all women from
their experiences.
Another criticism from the Black feminists is the concept of female
financial dependence on male wage earners, which they regard as racially
and culturally bound. More often than white women they have had the sole
responsibility for earning income and supporting dependants.





Rape culture
-is a sociological concept
for a setting in which rape is
pervasive and normalized due to
societal attitudes
about gender and sexuality,
Behaviors commonly associated
with rape culture include victim
blaming, slut-shaming, sexual
objectification, trivializing
rape, denial of widespread
rape, refusing to acknowledge
the harm caused by sexual
violence, or some combination
of these


Thank you for attention ))
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