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Olympic Games



Olympic Games are the leading international sporting event
featuring summer and winter sports competitions.
The Olympic Games are considered the world’s important
sports competition with more than 200 nations participating.
For the period of the Games all the wars stopped.
So the Olympic Games became a symbol of peace and


History of Olympic Games
The earliest records of the Olympic Games goes back to 776 BC
This is based on inscriptions, found at Olympia, listing the winners of a
footrace held every four years starting in 776 BC.
Competition was among representatives of several city-states and
kingdoms of Ancient Greece.
The ancient Games were held in honour of Zeus, the most important
god for ancient Greek.
For two weeks and a half any international conflicts must be stopped
and replaced with friendly competitions.
This is noble idea on which the modern Olympic movement is based.


The Ancient Games featured running events, a
pentathlon(consisting of a jumping event, discus and
javelin throws, a foot race, and wrestling), boxing,
wrestling, horse and chariot racing.
Only men were allowed to compete or watch the
games. Coroebus, a cook from the city of Elis, was
the first recorded Olympic champion.
The winners of the events were admired and
immortalized in poems and statues.


In 394 AD the Games were officially
ended by the Roman emperor
Theodosius, who thought they had
pagan meaning.
The Olympic Games were renewed in
1896, and since then they have been
staged every fourth year, except during
World War I and World War II.


Pierre de Coubertin
In 1894, Pierre de Coubertin, a young
French nobleman, had an idea to bring the
Olympic Games back to life.
He addressed all the sports governing
bodies and pointed out the significance of
sports and its educational value.
With the help of the people who supported
him he managed to organize the first
modern Olympic Games.


Baron de Coubertin had planned to hold the
Olympic Games in France,
but the representatives from the nine
countries that supported his idea
decided that Greece was the right place to
host the first Olympic Games
to symbolize the continuation of the
centuries-old tradition.
The nine countries were Belgium, England,
France, Greece, Italy, Russia,
Spain, Sweden and the United States.
They agreed that every four years the
Olympics would move to other
great cities of the world.
The Athens Games in 1896 were a success.


In 1896 the International Olympic Committee
( IOC) was set up. It is situated in Lausanne,
Switzerland. IOC is the central policy-making body
of the Olympic movement.
It is formed by the representatives of all countries
which take part in the Olympic Games.
The International Olympic Committee decides
upon the programme of the games, the number of
the participants and the city-host for the Games.
Over 150 countries are represented in it.
Each country has its own National Olympic


Winter Games
Beginning in 1926 The Winter Olympic
Games were included. They were
created to feature snow and ice sports
that were logistically impossible to hold
during the Summer Games. They were
held in the same year as the Summer
Games, but starting in 1994, the Winter
Olympics are held two years after the
Summer Games.
Since the Modern Olympics began in
1896, there have been 28 Summer
Olympic Games held in 22 different
cities and 21 Winter Olympic Games
held in 18 different cities.


There are always several cities wishing to host the
Games. The most suitable is selected by the International
Olympic Committee, usually seven years in advance.
After that the city of the Games starts preparations for the
competitions, construct new sports facilities, stadiums,
hotels, press centres.
Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the
Games and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.
There is always an interesting cultural programme of
concerts, exhibitions, festivals for each Games.


Olympic sports
The Olympic Games program consists of 35 sports, 30 disciplines
and nearly 400 events. The Summer Olympics program includes 26
sports, while the Winter Olympics program features 15 sports.


Olympic Symbols
The Olympic Flag
Five interlocked rings of
blue, black, red, yellow and
green colours symbolize the
five continents united into
the Olympic movement. The
blue ring symbolizes
Europe, the black ring –
Africa, the red ring –
America, the yellow ring –
Asia, the green ring –


The Olympic Flame
Months before each
Games, the Olympic flame
is lit in Olympia in a
ceremony that reflects
ancient Greek rituals.
The Olympic mascot
The Olympic mascot, an
animal or human figure
representing the cultural
heritage of the host


The Olympic motto
The Olympic motto is
«Citius, altius, fortius».
These Latin words mean:
«Faster, higher, stronger».


The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games takes place before
the events have occurred.
The ceremony typically starts with the hoisting of the host country’s flag
and a performance of its national anthem.
The host nation then presents artistic displays of music, singing, dance,
and theater representative of its culture.
After that the athletes parade into the stadium grouped by nation.
Greece is traditionally the first nation to enter in order to honor
the origins of the Olympics.
Nations then enter the stadium alphabetically according to
the host country’s chosen language, with the host country’s athletes
being the last to enter.
Finally, the Olympic torch is brought into the stadium and
passed on until it reaches the final torch carrier,
often a successful Olympic athlete from the host nation,
who lights the Olympic flame in the stadium’s cauldron.


The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games
takes place after all sporting events have
Flag-bearers from each participating country enter
the stadium, followed by the athletes who enter
together, without any national distinction.
Three national flags are hoisted while the
corresponding national anthems are played:
the flag of the current host country; the flag of
Greece, to honor the birthplace of the Olympic
Games; and the flag of the country hosting the next
Summer or Winter Olympic Games.
The president of the organizing committee and the
IOC president make their closing
speeches, the Games are officially closed, and the
Olympic flame is extinguished.


The athletes or teams who place first,
second, or third in each event receive
medals. A medal ceremony is held after
each Olympic event is concluded.
The winner, second and third-place
competitors or teams stand on top of a
three-tiered rostrum to be awarded their
respective medals.
After the medals are given out by an IOC
member, the national flags of the three
medalists are raised while
the national anthem of the gold medalist’s
country plays.


Coubertin’s Olympic ideals are expressed in the Olympic creed
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win
but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not
the triumph but the struggle.
The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.


Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952.
Since then Russian sportsmen have won a lot of gold, silver
and bronze medals.
In 1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty-Second Olympic Games.
In 2014 The Olympic Games will be held in Sochi.
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