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I. V. Goethe. Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте


Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте
(1749 - 1832)


German poet, playwright, novelist, encyclopedic scholar, statesman, theater director and critic. His works
include plays, poetry, literature and aesthetic criticism, as well as treatises on botany, anatomy and color.
Born: August 28, 1749, Frankfurt am
Main, Holy Roman Empire
Died: March 22, 1832 (82 years old),
Weimar, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, German


I. V. Goethe is an outstanding German poet and writer. He is called the "poet of the epoch", because in his
work he was able to embody and describe the spiritual and vital foundations of his time. Goethe was an
unsurpassed master of words, artistic speech, distinguished by musicality, a special rhythm, the presence of
bright and accurate images.


Goethe's ideas, literary, artistic, philosophical and
aesthetic, influenced European humanism. The writer's
arguments about the role of art in human life and society
as a whole have made a huge contribution to the
formation of a new aesthetics. Being a talented scientist
and researcher, Goethe was able to understand the
patterns of development and the relationship of literary
processes in different countries. He became the
ideologist of the current, which was called "Storm and


Интересные факты
1. Goethe's mother invented a wonderful technique, which is still used by many child psychologists today. She loved to
write stories and various stories that she read to her son at night. When Johann told his grandmother about his fears,
experiences, failures, his grandmother passed this information to Goethe's mother, and she came up with another story
or fairy tale on the topic of overcoming these fears and self-doubt. So she helped her son to become more confident in
his abilities and calmer. Now psychologists call this approach fairy tale therapy.
2. We can say that Goethe created the tragedy "Faust" for 60 years. The idea of the book originated with the writer in his
youth, and he completed work on the second part of it shortly before his death.
3. Goethe's ballad "The King of the Forest" along with "Faust" has become one of the most recognizable works of the
writer, it is often mistaken for a folk epic. Goethe the artist created the "Doctrine of Colors", Goethe the anatomist
discovered a new bone in the human skull, Goethe the meteorologist invented the water barometer.
4. Goethe called all his work "fragments of a huge confession."
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