Category: biologybiology

Set of wild cats


Jungle is a tropical forest full of cats! Are there house cats in the jungle? No! There are huge wild cats! Do you know any of them?
What animal is the king of the jungle? No, not a lion. Lions actually do not live in the jungle at all. They live in savannah.


The king of the jungle is a tiger! (click) It’s the biggest wild cat in the jungle.


Listen and tell me if I’m right or not.
It’s orange with blue stripes.
It’s very small.
It is very strong.
It has a short tail.
It has sharp teeth.
It can run fast.
It can’t climb.
It’s very good at swimming (true).


Let’s call more wild cats.
In the jungle we can also find jaguars – say “come here
jaguar” (click), panthers – “come…” (click)
and leopards – “…”(click).
What do these wild cats


They hunt animals, birds and reptiles and eat their meat. Animals that feed on other animals are called carnivores.
What is this jaguar’s prey?


What helps them catch their prey? How does it
Great senses
Strong teeth
Sharp claws


Leopards are the smallest of the big cats in the jungle. Their
fur is golden yellow with dark spots (rosettes). They have a
really long tail which can be as long as their body. It helps
them to keep balance walking on narrow branches and turn
sharply when chasing prey. They also wrap it around their
body for extra warmth.


Jaguars are very big. They go right after tigers. Jaguars can be
mistaken for leopards as they look similar. How can you tell the
difference? From their rosettes! Take a closer look. In the middle of
them you can see some dots.
Jaguars can see 6 times better than you or I can at night or in dark
places. Jaguars can hear really well too, and their sense of smell is
extremely strong.


Panthers are big black cats. They are almost as big as jaguars. They have
exceptional eyesight and hunting skills. Panthers are nocturnal animals, so they
hunt at night. Their dark camouflage allows them to blend in with their
surroundings, while their excellent eyesight and sense of smell help them to
locate prey.


Wild cats’ babies are called cubs. Can you help the cubs find their parents? It’s a … cub. Why? Where is its mum?
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