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How Do Cryptocurrencies Work


Российский химико-технологический университет имени Д. И. Менделеева
How Do Cryptocurrencies Work?
Презентацию подготовил студент группы Кс-20
Патрашин Савелий


How Do Cryptocurrencies Work?
Author: Brad Rudisail
28 April, 2023


The Content of the article
1. Introduction
2. What is a Cryptocurrency?
3. What is Cryptocurrency Mining?
4. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
5. How Are Cryptocurrencies Worth Real Money?
6. How Can You Get Cryptocurrencies?
7. Conclusion


1. What is a Cryptocurrency?
2. What is Cryptocurrency Mining?
3. How Are Cryptocurrencies Worth Real Money?
4. How Can You Get Cryptocurrencies?


Lure - соблазн
Digital currencies - цифровые валюты
cryptocurrencies - криптовалюты
decentralized - децентрализованный
peer-to-peer - одноранговый
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
hash header - хэш вычисления
nonce - одноразовый номер
blockchain - блокчейн
Cryptomining - добыча криптвалюты
malware - вредоносное ПО


They say that money changes everything. Most people trade 40 hours of their time every
week for an allotment of it. The lure of getting rich spurred thousands of adventurous
speculators to travel clear across the United States to stake their claim in the California Gold
Rush. Investment markets nervously await the news from the Federal Reserve meetings.
And then there is the latest money craze – Bitcoin. While Bitcoin steals most of the
headlines, it is just one of many digital currencies, also referred to as cryptocurrencies, out
there today. In this article we will take a closer look at what cryptocurrencies are, how they
are produced and what you can do with them.


The cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy, comparatively speaking; we are in
the early innings of its development. Interest in blockchain technology alone is
surging within the corporate community as businesses continue to strive for new
innovative uses of this secure and agile platform.
While the jury is still out as to whether these cryptocurrencies will prevail or if it
is a merely transitory step to something else out there remains to be seen.


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