
Iron in the human body


Iron in the human body
performed by a student of group f-33(2)
Mikhalchenko Alina


Iron is the most important trace element
➔ Iron is irreplaceable in the processes
of hematopoiesis and intracellular
➔ This element is part of the blood
hemoglobin, which is responsible for
the transport of oxygen and the
performance of oxidative reactions.
➔ Iron, being an integral part of
myoglobin and hemoglobin, is part
of cytochromes and enzymes
involved in redox reactions.


The biological role of iron
The body of a healthy person
contains approximately 4-5 grams
of iron. About 70% of the body's
total iron is included in blood
composition (hemoglobin and
myoglobin). The remainder is
contained in the spleen, liver and
bone marrow.


Functions of iron
➔ It participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and intracellular
➔ It is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin;
➔ Provides oxygen transport in the body;
➔ Normalizes the thyroid gland; affects the metabolism of B vitamins;
➔ It is part of some enzymes (including ribonucleotide reductase, which
is involved in DNA synthesis).


Functions of iron
➔ It is necessary for the growth processes of the body;
➔ Regulates the immune system (provides the activity of interferon and killer cells) has
a detoxifying effect (it is part of the liver and takes part in the neutralization of
➔ Is a component of many oxidative enzymes;
➔ Prevents the development of anemia;
➔ Improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair.


How much iron does a person need?
Our body contains from 2 to 5 g of iron,
depending on the level of hemoglobin,
weight, height, gender, age. There is
especially a lot of it in the hemoglobin of
the blood - 2/3 of the total amount, the
rest is stored in tissues and internal
organs, mainly in the liver. To assimilate
1 mg, you need to get 10 mg of iron from
different products. This is the norm of an


iron in food products
➔ Beet
➔ Berries
➔ Apple
➔ Porcini mushrooms
➔ Broccoli
➔ Dried fruits
➔ Meat
➔ Liver
➔ Eggs


Lack of iron in the body
In the case of a lack of iron, the following symptoms are observed:
➔ Fatigue
➔ Brittle nails
➔ Depression
➔ Nervous disorders
➔ Hair loss and graying
➔ Obesity


Excess iron in the body
We should not forget that if necessary and the important role of iron in our body, its excess
leads to damage to the liver, kidneys and heart. The daily need of an adult for this element
usually does not exceed 10-20 mg.
➔ Excess iron in the body can lead to a deficiency of copper, zinc, chromium and
calcium, as well as an excess of cobalt. .
➔ Hypersensitivity to cold;
➔ Deterioration of brain activity;
➔ Digestive disorders;
➔ Inflammatory process in the oral cavity;
➔ Decreased thyroid function.


sources of information
English     Русский Rules