
Moscow is capital of Russia



Birth of Moscow
Yuri Dolgoruky
Ivan Kalita
April 4, 1147 - birthdaycities. Then the
Suzdal prince Yuri Vladimirovich
nicknamed Dolgoruky invited to his
"Moskov" of the Chernigov prince.
Svyatoslav Olgovich. Ivan Kalita started
the unification around Moscow Russian
principalities. At the end of the XVth
century Moscow became the capital of
the Russian state. City Day is usually
celebrated in first Sunday of September.


Symbols of Moscow
Coat of Arms of Moscow
Coat of arms of the Moscow


How many cities are there in the city?
The map of Moscow is like a "matryoshka": there are
several smaller ones inside the big city. The first, most
ancient city is ours Kremlin. The second one is Kitay
gorod. The third is The White City, its border ran along
the modern Boulevard Ring. The fourth is An earthen
city whose border ran along the modern Garden Ring.


Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world
The territory of the city is 1081 sq.km., the
population is 10 million 407 thousand people.
The city is divided into 10 districts. The
districts are divided into 123 districts.


Streets of Moscow
In the capital
• 34 avenues
• 1477 streets
• 103 squares
• 64 embankments
• 53 boulevard
• 55 highway
• 687 lanes
• 434 driveways
• 44 alleys


The main square of Russia
"Red" means "beautiful" The
earliest name of the square
was not a Fire and not Red,
but Troitskaya. The name
"Red" Square received in
XVI century.


The Heart of Moscow
The Kremlin appeared on
Borovitsky hill in the XII
century. Its walls were oak.
In 1367, under Dmitry
Donskoy, the Kremlin
became white-stone. By the
end of the XV century, the
Kremlin walls acquired a
familiar appearance for us
with 18 brick towers.


The height of the Kremlin
walls is from 5 to 19
meters, the thickness is
from 3.5 to 6.5 meters.
The walls are decorated
with 1045 prongs. In the
XVII century, the towers
were built with elegant


Student Capital
January 12, 1755 is considered
a birthday Moscow University.
This is the largest university.
There are 33 faculties in it,
where about 15 thousand
students study. Today in
Moscow118 state and 250 nonstate universities and institutes.
In total, there are about 950
thousand students in the capital.


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