Exercise 1 Page 69
Complete the description of the people in the photos
Exercise 1 Page 72
Answer the questions
It’s in Ipanema (Rio)
She often goes to the beach
Exercise 2 Page 72
Read the email on page 72 and answer the questions
Move in - селиться
Host family – принимающая семья
Appearance [ə’piərəns] (внешний вид) and age [eidʒ] (возраст)
Middle – aged [eidʒd] - среднего возраста
Tall - высокий Short - низкий
She’s got dark hair [heə]
He’s very tanned [tænd] - загорелый
He isn’t very slim (стройный)
He’s very handsome [hænsəm] – симпатичный
Answer the questions
She arrived [ə‘raivd] in Rio
With her host family- Mr. and Mrs. Silva
In the afternoon she goes to the beach
Exercise 2B Page 72
Match the statements with paragraphs A-E
1. Marianne describes her host family
Which paragraph?
Marianne describes her host family (Paragraph C)
2. She asks Carol to do something
Which paragraph?
She asks Carol to do something (Paragraph E)
3. She thanks Carol
Which paragraph?
She thanks Carol (Paragraph A)
4. She describes what she does
Which paragraph?
She describes what she does (Paragraph D)
5. She writes about where she lives
Which paragraph?
She writes about where she lives (Paragraph B)
Exercise 2C Page 72
Match the people with the adjectives
1. Mr. and Mrs. Silva?
1. Mr. and Mrs. Silva – friendly, middle-aged
2. Tina?
2. Tina – dark, pretty
3. Joao?
3. Joao – tanned, short
4. Carlos?
4. Carlos – young, not very slim
5. The man on the beach?
5. The man on the beach – handsome, nice
6. Marianne?
6. Marianne – tall, shy
Exercise 3 Page 72
A good way to remember adjectives is in pairs with opposite meaning
Find adjectives in exercise 2C with the opposite meaning
Pale (бледный) – tanned (загорелый)
1. Fair (светлый) -
1. Fair (светлый) – dark (тёмный)
2. Confident [konfidənt] (уверенный) -
2. Confident [konfidənt] (уверенный) - shy (робкий)
3. Horrible -
3. Horrible - nice
4. Unattractive -
4. Unattractive - pretty
5. Tall -
5. Tall - short
Exercise 3 Page 73
Put the adjectives in exercises 2C and 3 in the correct column
Body – Стройное, не очень стройное
Body – slim, not very slim
Face – ужасное, красивое
Face – horrible, pretty
Skin – бледная, загоревшая
Skin – pale, tanned
Hair – тёмный, светлый
Hair – dark, fair
Height [hait] – высокий, низкий
Height [hait] – tall, short
Age – молодой, среднего возраста
Age – young, middle -aged
Personality – уверенный в себе, робкий
Personality – confident, shy
Translate the descriptions
1. He’s the young one
1. She’s middle-aged
2. She’s got dark hair
2. He’s quite short
2. He looks nice
3. He’s lovely
3. They’re very friendly
Exercise 5 Page 73
Pronoun one/ ones
We use one to replace singular nouns
1. They’ve got three children….Joao is the middle one
We use ones to replace plural nouns
2. The classes are really interesting, especially the literature ones
Page 77
Exercise 5B Page 73
Replace the underlined words with one or ones
1. I don’t like green pens. Do you have any red pens?
1. I don’t like green pens. Do you have any red ones?
2. Did you buy a cheap watch or an expensive watch?
2. Did you buy a cheap watch or an expensive one?
3. Don’t buy that DVD. I’ve got that DVD at home
3. Don’t buy that DVD. I’ve got that one at home
4. Do you want a pizza? These cheese pizzas look nice
4. Do you want a pizza. These cheese ones look nice
Exercise 5C Page 73
Find 4 more words you can change to one/ ones
When I was a child I lived in three different houses
The first house was lovely
The first one was lovely
The second house was quite small, but it was in a nice location
The second one was quite small, but it was in a nice location
The third house wasn’t very nice, but there were 6 bedrooms
The third one wasn’t very nice, but there were 6 bedrooms
I used the bedroom on the second floor
I used the one on the second floor
The other bedrooms were on the first floor
The other ones were on the first floor
Exercise 6A Page 73
Listen to Marianne talking to her friend about the man on the beach
Page 154 Track 2.02
C – Carol M - Marianne
Track 2.02
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Photo 3
Exercise 6B Page 73
Find how Marianne describes the man
He’s really friendly
He’s very handsome and tanned, of course
He’s slim and he’s got dark hair
And he’s got a little beard
Describe any of the other three men in the photos
He’s got short dark hair and he wears glasses
He’s middle-aged. He’s got short gray hair
He’s young. He’s got long dark hair, a short beard and a moustache
Category: englishenglish

The girl from… Unit 7.2


The girl from…
Unit 7.2


Page 69


Appearance [ə’piərəns] –
внешний вид

4. Exercise 1 Page 69

5. Complete the description of the people in the photos


1. B has got blue eyes [aiz]


2. B has got long fair [feə]
hair [heə] (длинный светлый


3. F has got dark skin


4. G has got short gray
hair [heə]


5. F has got a beard
[biəd] (борода)


7. B is young


8. F is bald [bo:ld] (лысый)


9. B is tall


10. C is short


11. E wears glasses


12. F has got a moustache
[məs’ta:ʃ] (усы)


Marianne is 22. She comes
from New Zealand, but is
at university in Brazil

18. Exercise 1 Page 72

19. Answer the questions


1. Where’s the beach in
the photo?


22. It’s in Ipanema (Rio)


2. What is the connection
between Marianne and the

24. She often goes to the beach

25. Exercise 2 Page 72

26. Read the email on page 72 and answer the questions


Before you read

28. Move in - селиться

29. Host family – принимающая семья

30. Appearance [ə’piərəns] (внешний вид) and age [eidʒ] (возраст)

31. Middle – aged [eidʒd] - среднего возраста

Middle – aged [eidʒd] среднего возраста

32. Tall - высокий Short - низкий

33. She’s got dark hair [heə]

34. He’s very tanned [tænd] - загорелый

He’s very tanned [tænd] загорелый

35. He isn’t very slim (стройный)

36. He’s very handsome [hænsəm] – симпатичный


Read the email


(A) Hi, Carol!
Thanks for your email about
all my friends in New Zealand!
Everything’s fine here


(B) I arrived [ə’raivd] in Rio
de Janeiro a month ago to start
my course and then I moved in
with my host family. They live
in a big apartment near the
beach in Ipanema


(C) The family is very nice.
Mr. and Mrs. Silva are middleaged [eidʒd] and very friendly.
They’ve got 3 children. Tina’s
my age, she’s got dark hair and
she’s pretty


She’s tall like me. Joao is the
middle one. He’s 15. he’s quite
short and he’s very tanned
from playing football in the
sun! Carlos is the young one


He’s lovely and he laughs
[la:fs] all the time, but he isn’t
very slim.
(D) Every morning I go to
college. The classes are really
interesting, especially the
literature ones


I usually go to the beach in the
afternoon. The beach here is
beautiful and the sea is warm.
There’s a really handsome
[hænsəm] man on the beach.
He watches me every day


He looks nice, but as you
know, I am quite shy – so I
don’t look at him!
(E) Write to me soon and tell
me all your news.
Love (Marianne)

45. Answer the questions


1. What did Marianne do a
month ago?


I arrived [ə’raivd] in Rio de
Janeiro a month ago to start
my course and then I moved in
with my host family. They live
in a big apartment near the
beach in Ipanema

48. She arrived [ə‘raivd] in Rio


2. Who does she live with


I arrived [ə’raivd] in Rio de
Janeiro a month ago to start
my course and then I moved in
with my host family. They live
in a big apartment near the
beach in Ipanema

51. With her host family- Mr. and Mrs. Silva


3. What does she do in the


I usually go to the beach in the
afternoon. The beach here is
beautiful and the sea is warm.
There’s a really handsome
[hænsəm] man on the beach.
He watches me every day

54. In the afternoon she goes to the beach

55. Exercise 2B Page 72

56. Match the statements with paragraphs A-E

57. 1. Marianne describes her host family

58. Which paragraph?


(C) The family is very nice.
Mr. and Mrs. Silva are middleaged [eidʒd] and very friendly.
They’ve got 3 children. Tina’s
my age, she’s got dark hair and
she’s pretty

60. Marianne describes her host family (Paragraph C)

61. 2. She asks Carol to do something

62. Which paragraph?


He looks nice, but as you
know, I am quite shy – so I
don’t look at him!
(E) Write to me soon and tell
me all your news.
Love (Marianne)

64. She asks Carol to do something (Paragraph E)

65. 3. She thanks Carol

66. Which paragraph?


(A) Hi, Carol!
Thanks for your email about
all my friends in New Zealand!
Everything’s fine here

68. She thanks Carol (Paragraph A)

69. 4. She describes what she does

70. Which paragraph?


(D) Every morning I go to
college. The classes are really
interesting, especially the
literature ones


I usually go to the beach in the
afternoon. The beach here is
beautiful and the sea is warm.
There’s a really handsome
[hænsəm] man on the beach.
He watches me every day

73. She describes what she does (Paragraph D)

74. 5. She writes about where she lives

75. Which paragraph?


(B) I arrived [ə’raivd] in Rio
de Janeiro a month ago to start
my course and then I moved in
with my host family. They live
in a big apartment near the
beach in Ipanema

77. She writes about where she lives (Paragraph B)

78. Exercise 2C Page 72

79. Match the people with the adjectives

80. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Silva?


(C) The family is very nice.
Mr. and Mrs. Silva are middleaged [eidʒd] and very friendly.
They’ve got 3 children. Tina’s
my age, she’s got dark hair and
she’s pretty


Mr. and Mrs. tanned, short
handsome, nice
friendly, middle-aged
dark, pretty
The man on tall, shy
the beach
young, not very slim

83. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Silva – friendly, middle-aged

84. 2. Tina?


(C) The family is very nice.
Mr. and Mrs. Silva are middleaged [eidʒd] and very friendly.
They’ve got 3 children. Tina’s
my age, she’s got dark hair and
she’s pretty


Mr. and Mrs. tanned, short
handsome, nice
friendly, middle-aged
dark, pretty
The man on tall, shy
the beach
young, not very slim

87. 2. Tina – dark, pretty

88. 3. Joao?


She’s tall like me. Joao is the
middle one. He’s 15. he’s quite
short and he’s very tanned
from playing football in the
sun! Carlos is the young one


Mr. and Mrs. tanned, short
handsome, nice
friendly, middle-aged
dark, pretty
The man on tall, shy
the beach
young, not very slim

91. 3. Joao – tanned, short

92. 4. Carlos?


Carlos is the young one. He’s
lovely and he laughs [la:fs] all
the time, but he isn’t very slim.


Mr. and Mrs. tanned, short
handsome, nice
friendly, middle-aged
dark, pretty
The man on tall, shy
the beach
young, not very slim

95. 4. Carlos – young, not very slim

96. 5. The man on the beach?


I usually go to the beach in the
afternoon. The beach here is
beautiful and the sea is warm.
There’s a really handsome
[hænsəm] man on the beach.
He watches me every day


Mr. and Mrs. tanned, short
Handsome [hænsəm] , nice
friendly, middle-aged
dark, pretty
The man on tall, shy
the beach
young, not very slim

99. 5. The man on the beach – handsome, nice

100. 6. Marianne?


He looks nice, but as you
know, I am quite shy – so I
don’t look at him!
(E) Write to me soon and tell
me all your news.
Love (Marianne)


Mr. and Mrs. tanned, short
Handsome [hænsəm] , nice
friendly, middle-aged
dark, pretty
The man on tall, shy
the beach
young, not very slim

103. 6. Marianne – tall, shy

104. Exercise 3 Page 72

105. A good way to remember adjectives is in pairs with opposite meaning

106. Find adjectives in exercise 2C with the opposite meaning

107. Pale (бледный) – tanned (загорелый)

108. 1. Fair (светлый) -

109. 1. Fair (светлый) – dark (тёмный)

110. 2. Confident [konfidənt] (уверенный) -

111. 2. Confident [konfidənt] (уверенный) - shy (робкий)

112. 3. Horrible -

113. 3. Horrible - nice

114. 4. Unattractive -

115. 4. Unattractive - pretty

116. 5. Tall -

117. 5. Tall - short

118. Exercise 3 Page 73

119. Put the adjectives in exercises 2C and 3 in the correct column


121. Body – Стройное, не очень стройное

122. Body – slim, not very slim

123. Face – ужасное, красивое

124. Face – horrible, pretty

125. Skin – бледная, загоревшая

126. Skin – pale, tanned

127. Hair – тёмный, светлый

128. Hair – dark, fair

129. Height [hait] – высокий, низкий

130. Height [hait] – tall, short

131. Age – молодой, среднего возраста

132. Age – young, middle -aged

133. Personality – уверенный в себе, робкий

134. Personality – confident, shy

135. Translate the descriptions

136. 1. He’s the young one

137. 1. She’s middle-aged

138. 2. She’s got dark hair

139. 2. He’s quite short

140. 2. He looks nice

141. 3. He’s lovely

142. 3. They’re very friendly

143. Exercise 5 Page 73

144. Pronoun one/ ones

145. We use one to replace singular nouns

146. 1. They’ve got three children….Joao is the middle one

147. We use ones to replace plural nouns

148. 2. The classes are really interesting, especially the literature ones

149. Page 77

150. Exercise 5B Page 73

151. Replace the underlined words with one or ones

152. 1. I don’t like green pens. Do you have any red pens?

153. 1. I don’t like green pens. Do you have any red ones?

154. 2. Did you buy a cheap watch or an expensive watch?

155. 2. Did you buy a cheap watch or an expensive one?

156. 3. Don’t buy that DVD. I’ve got that DVD at home

157. 3. Don’t buy that DVD. I’ve got that one at home

158. 4. Do you want a pizza? These cheese pizzas look nice

159. 4. Do you want a pizza. These cheese ones look nice

160. Exercise 5C Page 73

161. Find 4 more words you can change to one/ ones

162. When I was a child I lived in three different houses

163. The first house was lovely

164. The first one was lovely

165. The second house was quite small, but it was in a nice location

166. The second one was quite small, but it was in a nice location

167. The third house wasn’t very nice, but there were 6 bedrooms

168. The third one wasn’t very nice, but there were 6 bedrooms

169. I used the bedroom on the second floor

170. I used the one on the second floor

171. The other bedrooms were on the first floor

172. The other ones were on the first floor

173. Exercise 6A Page 73

174. Listen to Marianne talking to her friend about the man on the beach

175. Page 154 Track 2.02

176. C – Carol M - Marianne


C: So, Marianne, what’s your
M: Something exciting
happened yesterday
C: What?


M: Do you remember that man
on the beach – the one I told
you about in my email?
C: Er, yes


M: He spoke to me. He’s
really friendly. He’s Brazilian.
He works in one of the big
hotels on the beach, so he
speaks good English


C: What does he look like?
M: Well, he’s very handsome
and tanned, of course. About
22 or 23, I think. He’s slim and
he’s got dark hair


C: Long or short?
M: Short. And he’s got a little
C: What’s his name?
M: Louis


C: And has he got a wife or a
M: No, he’s single at the
C: So, do you think he likes

183. Track 2.02


Which man is Marianne
talking about?

185. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3


He’s got short hair


And he’s got a little beard

188. Photo 3

189. Exercise 6B Page 73

190. Find how Marianne describes the man

191. He’s really friendly

192. He’s very handsome and tanned, of course

193. He’s slim and he’s got dark hair

194. And he’s got a little beard

195. Describe any of the other three men in the photos


197. He’s got short dark hair and he wears glasses


199. He’s middle-aged. He’s got short gray hair


201. He’s young. He’s got long dark hair, a short beard and a moustache

English     Русский Rules