Categories: artart mythologymythology

Dragons synti







dragon | logline
In various cultures and worldviews there are many sagas, stories, information from chanellers about
Dragons, we are willing to synthesize them into a composite image and immerse the viewer in an
immersive show through first-person narration, as if the viewer (observer) is in dialogue with the
This story bears the Dragon's struggle with environmental and human-induced technological
changes. Including those caused by human vices. Dragon is a part of nature, the very essence and
embodiment of it.
Mankind and the Dragon. Is it possible for them to exist without each other? Thus, it is essential to do
whatever it takes to be together. To break down the walls they have built around themselves, to
reach out to each other and merge into one. After all, we all have a piece of the Dragon in us.
Is this a story about the struggle that takes place in our world, or is it a story about the struggle within


Visual form:
The narration of the story is led through the image of the dragon. All the alterations and
metamorphoses in its image reveal the ongoing events, its feelings and emotions. We convey
everything to the viewer through sensations, affecting all perceptual organs. In essence it is
vision/space/environment/DSV, time, kinesthetics/vibrations, smells, physical effects.
Narrative form:
Option 1.
The Man tells the story (a composite image from different variations of souls: either a girl, or a man,
or young, or old, or transient or woven words of another language, or an artificial intelligence)
concerning what he witnessed in the eyes of the Chained Dragon. Dialogue with the inner dragon.
Option 2.
The Chained Dragon tells the story through images and emotions. It is released at the end. The
visitor is inside the "glass flask" and there is an immersive story all around him. At this point we have
not come to see the dragon, but nature itself in the form of the Dragon has appeared and depicts a
flow of memories, patterns and emotions.


We suggest that in all aspects of the spectrum of the art object to accomplish at the highest level, and to engage celebrities
of the first magnitude to collaborate on this international project to dub the voice of the dragon.
Our Suggestions:
Johnny Depp
Mads Mikkelsen
Thomas Harris
Tom Hanks
Morgan Freeman
Viggo Mortensen
Benedict Cumberbatch


Our suggestion is to set a holographic layer in the cylinder, allowing us to construct a three-dimensional hologram without
viewers. This, at the moment, evokes a sense of wonder.


To enhance the perception of the composition, the interaction can be turned into a more immersive one by inviting
Yamaguchi, for instance, into the collaboration, and letting the viewers view the art from a futuristic chair, upon which the
kinaesthetic interactions with the Dragon are transmitted.


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
1. Intro: The man using the chip from the bracelet walks into space. Utter darkness.
A futuristic chair is illuminated by a flickering light.
The viewer takes a seat in the chair. The space fills with a mysterious mist, and the The initial whiffs of odors and distant, enigmatic sounds can be heard
chair quivers


dragon | script
animation | immersive
2. The birth of the dragon.
In utter darkness, a laser cone lights up with a glow at the top. The fog screen of
the projector operates.
A sphere of light comes on from above. A glowing egg descends from the light
above as a flawless product of God - the creature's algorithm sewn into the
protective shell with the function of development and reproduction
voice-over | sound
soft melodic music gradually gaining in volume


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
Laser beams burst from the egg - the birth of the Dragon begins. It enlarges and And the dragon of the five elements appeared. Its silhouette was clearly
spreads its body. It wraps around the screen in a circle, "enclosing" the viewer in visible. Its scales shimmered with fire, sky, and water, but none of the
its arms. Smoke and flower pollen billow from its nostrils, and details of the
colors were missing: the dragon was changing every second. Its eye
landscape appear as scales. Plants begin to sprawl, drawing and giving volume to reflected the infinity and life of nature itself. 17
its tail, and flocks of birds abruptly fold into its muzzle. The True Crystal beats in
his chest.
The scene is sustained by smells


dragon | script
animation | immersive
3. The Dragon's Flight
The dragon sighs. Its movement causes the birds and flowers to scatter in
different directions, and its body enlarges and approaches the plane of the
screen. His scales transform into desert dunes, then into rice paddies. In
between, a turbulent river flows down rapids. The scales and parts of the
Dragon's body are transformed into more and more images
voice-over | sound
It hovered over the stony desert, while the clouds were rising below. His
breaths and exhalations launched resounding rivers and seas, creating
vast forests and mountains. The rhythmic sweeps of its wings created
winds and downpours.
The dragon of the five elements was the only living creature in the


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
I looked at it and saw not just the rough scales, but the spirit that filled it.
4. Man
The Dragon's huge head pops up on the screen. He opens his eyes and looks at It was at that moment that I realized that for the ancient world, the
the viewer. His pupils begin to transform
Dragon was not a deity to which one could cry out and ask for protection,
but an equally supernatural being. It was the mother of nature itself.
He flew up close to me. I looked into his eye and started to feel the
presence of something extraordinary


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
5. The Dragon's eye (like a mirror reflecting the history of the battle for the
Gradually, I came to the realisation of its essence, without any words, all
at once. Its eye was so unique, so divinely beautiful and perfect, even
earth). Its pupils are transformed into a vision of the Universe, replacing several
planets - the Earth - swirls of clouds, lakes, plant buds, coliseum, a snake and a cat without exaggeration, as if it was the main part of it. It reminded me of the
curled up in a ball... The change of images accelerates rapidly, and suddenly
very vast expanses we wanted so desperately to go to. It felt as if we were
ceases, halting at the human face. The Dragon's eyes with the reflection of a man looking into a mirror (human vices).
multiply, filling the entire space of the screen.


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
6. Mirror (switch to the eye - the story through his eyes)In the dragon's eye the The man...
flames of fire are reflected. The picture enlarges, unfolding to the full screen.
In the reflection I beheld fires, dirt, dust and soot, and beheld my own
Then for about 4 minutes - 4 stories for 4 artists describing how all incarnations of self with my soul. A multitude of human souls, leaving in their wake
the Dragon (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) transform into one another and struggle with forests turned to ash and streams of water, smeared with dirt and plastic,
the calamity that has befallen the earth. Images:
squalid houses and gray factories, enclosing all around with dark, thick
- The screen floods with molten metal, sparks fly, the scales of D. and its body
smoke. I beheld this annihilation machine, generating unabated chaos
parts manifest hither and thither. They burn and melt.
with no effort at all. I found myself horrified, but at the same time relieved
- Iron mechanical worms pierce the dragon's scales, woven from greenery and to realise the plenitude of my own love for nature
plants. They braid the dragon's body
- D. shatters against the screen pane, it shuddles, signs light up everywhere. We
are aware that D.'s entire body is a cyber-punk building studded with air
conditioning units, signs, wires, and so forth.
- D, tearing forward, struggling to disengage himself from the wires, approaches
the screen even closer. We get to see a mechanical heart pumping green,
poisonous liquid from the tanks within it
- D. shackled in technogenic circuits, all sewn up in numbers, links, glitches parts of artificial intelligence


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
"How wondrous is the world you have created! And how mournful is the
7. Dragon's Embrace.
Mechanical Heart D, morphs into True Crystal. Three more crystals appear. They human soul." And we found ourselves interacting, merging into unity. It
merge, swirling around the viewer in a vortex. D. turns into a white ethereal
embraced me as if I were a child who had lost its way. The feelings that
overflowed me at that moment were so fresh, pure-hearted, and subtle.


dragon | script
animation | immersive
voice-over | sound
8. The World
It was a world of surreal feelings, images, and smells that captured all
D.'s body skirts the screen, as if embracing the viewer and merging with him,
the depth and tenderness of my being. The scream I emitted in
spilling out, turning into a river. The river spills, purifying the earth. A starry sky response was so loud, full of pain and elation, of strength and hope, of
arises in which the White Star Dragon materializes
sheer harmony and love. The voice sounded as if it were the dragon
itself roaring from my body.
Overwhelmed by the desire to merge with me wholeheartedly, it started
to gain altitude and soar into the evening sky, becoming bright gleaming


dragon | Additional references on rendering styles


dragon | Additional references on rendering styles


dragon | Additional references on rendering styles


dragon | Additional references on rendering styles


dragon | Additional references on rendering styles


dragon | Additional references on rendering styles


dragon | Synopsis
Long ago, in times immemorial, the Dragon descended to Earth to help in the creation of the Earth and
embodied in the power of the four elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air. It is the very essence and nature
itself. It preserved and protected the Earth, its resources and all living beings. It guarded the very Tree of
But the Technogenic Civilization has enslaved mankind and nature and gained complete sway over them.
Human vices have turned their power against the Dragon. Environmental and man-made disasters
engulfed the Earth. The world was on the brink of death.
The Dragon, taking its different incarnations (of Earth, Water, Fire, Air) undergoes tests, transformations
and metamorphoses in order to find its True power (Crystals), and unite them with the same ones that
exist inside it.
It cleaves through dirty seas and debris, polluted sky and thinned resources, forest fires and destruction of
animals, environmental pollution from virtual network.
Collecting all the Crystals he obtains an even greater and more vigorous power, becoming the White
Dragon. Its body becomes a river. The river purifies the planet. Its soul melds with the Man and soars into
the sky as a constellation.
And people since then seek the stars, trying to find in them hope and protection, as if suspecting that in
each of us is a part of the Dragon.


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