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Чайная церемония в Китае


Индивидуальный проект
Чайная церемония в Китае
Выполнила: Филякова Любовь Алексеевна
Обучающаяся 1курса 21Т-23
По специальности: 19.02.08. Технология мяса и мясных продуктов
Руководитель проекта - преподаватель Емельянова Кристина


The purpose of the work
is to get acquainted with the Chinese tea ceremony as one of the oldest traditions of China.
Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:
- to study the origin of culture in China;
- consider the traditions of China;
- to study the origin of the tea ceremony;
- identify traditional appliances for the Chinese tea ceremony.
The relevance of the project work lies in the fact that tea has been one of the most popular
and widespread drinks around the world for many centuries. Only a few of them have
naturalness, aesthetics and rich taste. One of the most popular and sought-after teas is
Chinese tea. Its culture of consumption and all the nuances of the tea ceremony arouse the
keen interest of every lover to treat himself to a cup of tea.


Foot binding is an ancient and interesting custom,
currently this tradition is considered obsolete. The girls' feet
were tightly bandaged so that they could squeeze into tiny
shoes, which were called lotus shoes.


Traditional medicine occupies a special place in the life of the
Chinese and the country itself, the Chinese start the day with qigong
breathing exercises, give them at least 30 minutes to accumulate Yang
energy. Dynamic exercises are preferred during the day: running, active
sports, physical labor, hiking. Activity allows you to strengthen your


There are a number of conditions that must be observed when
eating using Chinese chopsticks. Without sticking chopsticks into
food. Don't gesticulate when you have them in your hands, don't
use them to point at people. When serving the table, chopsticks
should be positioned so that they do not point their tip at the other
participants of the feast.


Another important tradition of any resident of China is the tea ceremony. Tea is
translated from Chinese as "the wisest plant".
The most popular type of Chinese tea ceremony is called Kung Fu Cha – tea
drinking, which requires a special mood and extensive tools.


The classic set for the Chinese tea ceremony includes:
1) Kettle
2) A chahe is a box in which a dry brew is placed.
3) Gaiwan, which is a cup with a lid
4) Chakhai
5) A tea pair consisting of long and wide cups, a large bowl that plays the
role of a container where the boiled tea leaf is collected
6) Strainer
7) Chayu
8) A brush for the kettle and a towel for it.
9) Shepherd


China or Zhong Guo (ZhōNgguó), as the Chinese themselves call it, is
one of the most amazing and mysterious countries in the world. The
birthplace of paper and printing, gunpowder and compass, silk, porcelain
and many other useful inventions and discoveries, it invariably attracts the
attention of historians, researchers, and travelers. Located in the southeast
of the Asian continent and with its outlines resembling a huge bird soaring
in the sky, modern China is the heir to a great civilization, the chronicle of
which has about five millennia.
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