Category: englishenglish

Richard Watson Gilder


Richard Watson Gilder
The New Day. Part 4. The Seasons
Prepared by students
form 10’’A’’
Maxim Kostomarov,
Vadim Vovk


Biography 2
Gilder was born on February 8, 1844 at
Bordentown, New Jersey. He was the son of
Jane (Nutt) Gilder and William Henry Gilder,
and educated at his father's seminary in
Flushing, Queens. There he learned to set type
and published the St. Thomas Register. Gilder
later studied law at Philadelphia.


A little later, he became a reporter for the Newark (New Jersey)
Advertiser, of which he later became editor. Together with Newton
Crane, he founded the Newark Register. In 1870, he became editor of
the monthly magazine Hours at Home, published by Scribner's
publishing house. The magazine merged with Scribner's Monthly
magazine, of which J. Gilder was the editor-in-chief. When Holland
died in 1881, Gilder became editor. Gilder's assistant editor at Century
was Sophia Bledsoe Herrick.


The poem
The Seasons
O strange Spring days, when from the shivering ground
Love riseth, wakening from his dreamful swound
And, frightened, in the stream his face hath found!
O Summer days; when Love hath grown apace,
And feareth not to look upon Love's face,
And lightnings burn where earth and sky embrace!
O Autumn, when the winds are dank and dread,
How brave above the dying and the dead
The conqueror, Love, uplifts his banner red!
O Winter, when the earth lies white and chill!
Now only hath strong Love his perfect will,
Whom heat, nor cold, nor death can bind nor kill.


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