Category: ecologyecology

Air pollution


Air pollution


Air pollution
• Pollution of the Earth’s
atmosphere or air pollution
occurs when harmful or
excessive amounts of
substances, including gases,
enter the Earth’s
atmosphere.This can cause
diseases, allergies and even
death of people.


The situation in Almaty
• The current concentration of
PM2. 5 in Almaty is 46 (µg/m3).
The World Health Organization
(WHO) recommends 15
micrograms/m3 as a threshold
concentration of PM2.5 for 24


There are many examples of successful
policies to reduce air pollution:
• In industry: introduction of clean technologies that contribute to reducing
emissions into the atmosphere at industrial enterprises;in the energy sector:
providing access to low-cost energy sources in everyday life for cooking,
heating and lighting;in urban planning: improving the energy efficiency of
buildings, greening and reducing the area of cities, increasing their energy
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